About Drawing Notes
You can group a text note with a dimension, attached with or without a leader to one or more edges on the model, or located "free."
The note text is created using the default values (such as height, font) specified in the Text Style dialog box that opens when you click Text Style in the Format group of the Annotate tab.
To format the text style of a selected note, use the commands on the Format tab. Alternatively, click Properties on the mini toolbar to open the Note Properties dialog box.
Above left: Some note types - clockwise from left: Leader on entity, ISO leader on entity, no leader on entity (highlighted face) no leader on entity and moved from entity, ISO leader on vertex. Above right clockwise: double leaders on item, double leaders on surface.
When you insert a note, you specify the following characteristics in the Note Types menu manager:
Leader type (or no leader)
Note angle (horizontal, vertical, angular, normal to the leader or tangent to the leader)
Justification (Left, right, center.)
Attachment location (on entity, on surface, free point, midpoint or intersection)
Arrowhead style (dot, arrow, box etc.)
After you create your first note, the subsequent notes are created using the attributes that you specified previously.
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