About Drawing Datum Targets
Use datum targets to indicate critical measurement points on the plot. The target is drawn inside a scalable circle with a leader.
You can create a datum target specifying any reference on an entity or surface, midpoint of an edge or an entity, or intersection point of two entities.
You can select one of the following types of target area for the datum symbol:
Target Area Type
An x-style cross is displayed in the attachment point position. It is always displayed in the drawing plane.
A hatched circle describing the target area is displayed. The circle center is in the attachment point position. This target area is displayed only if it lies in the view plane.
A hatched rectangle describing the target area is displayed. The center of the target area rectangle is in the attachment point position. This target area is displayed only if it lies in the view plane.
Target area is not indicated. The leader directly connects the attachment point with the datum target frame.
When a target is added, the lower part of the circle references the Datum Feature Symbol name, and adds an integer to note the instance of the target symbol; for example, A becomes A1, A2, etc.
Drawing datum targets do not resequence themselves if you delete one of them. For example, if there are three datum targets (B1, B2, and B3), deleting B2 leaves B1 and B3, not B1 and B2.
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