About Creating Views of Part Simplified Representations
You can use part simplified representations as drawing models to create general views. Child views such as projection views, detail views, and so on use the general view of the same part simplified representation as the parent view.
When you display dimensions in the view, only dimensions of features included in the part simplified representation are displayed. Displaying annotations in the view of the part simplified representation is similar to displaying annotations in a view of a Family Table instance. For example, a view of a part simplified representation shows a note even if the parent feature of the note is excluded from the part simplified representation. If a note belongs to an annotation feature and the parent feature of the note is excluded from the part simplified representation, then the note is not shown in the view of the part simplified representation.
Driven dimensions are stored with the part, and not with the part simplified representation.
You can set the part simplified representation as a drawing model for a new drawing by selecting the required representation from the Open Rep dialog box. This dialog box opens when you create an empty new drawing for a model that has part simplified representations that you can use to create a drawing.
You must convert the part simplified representations created in Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 and earlier releases to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 part simplified representations to make them usable as models for creating drawings views. You can perform this conversion through the View Manager dialog box, that can be accessed, in the 3D mode.
After you convert part simplified representations from the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 or earlier releases to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 part simplified representations, these conversions cannot be undone
You can create drawing views of user-defined part simplified representations only.
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