Interface > Working with Data Exchange Formats > Tessellated Files > To Export to an STL, Render, Optegra Vis, or XPatch File
To Export to an STL, Render, Optegra Vis, or XPatch File
1. In an active part or assembly click File > Save As > Save a Copy. The Save a Copy dialog box opens.
2. Select Stereolithography (*.stl), Render (*.slp), Optegra Vis (*.gbf), or XPatch (*.facet) in the Type box.
3. In File name, accept the default name or type a new model name for the export.
4. Click Options to customize the export settings for each of these formats in their respective profile editors.
5. To set additional export options, select the Customize Export check box before you click OK in the Save a Copy dialog box. The export dialog box that is specific to the file type that you have selected opens.
6. For assembly models, select one of the following options in the export dialog box:
All Parts—Exports the entire assembly.
Include—Allows you to select parts you want to include in the file.
Exclude—Allows you to select parts you want to exclude from the file.
7. To select a coordinate system for the model, click under Coordinate system and use the GET COORD S menu.
8. Select Binary or ASCII for STL and Optegra Vis formats.
9. Select Allow negative values.
Allow negative values is not available for Optegra Vis.
10. Change the values of the following Deviation control options for the additional control of tessellation:
Chord height
—Controls the distance between a chord and a surface while tessellating the model surface.
Angle control—Regulates the additional improvement of the curves with small radii after tessellation.
Step size—Controls the aspect ratio, size, shape, and the quality of the triangles while exporting facet geometry.
The values that you specify for Chord height, Angle control, and Step size are stored as the Most Recently Used (MRU) values.
11. Select the following options for assembly models:
Use proportional chord heights—Sets the maximum chord height proportional to the size of each component.
Use proportional step sizes—Sets the maximum step size proportional to the size of each component. Use this option with Step Size.
12. Type the name of the file without the extension or accept the default name in File name.
13. If problem surfaces are found, fix the edge tessellation problems.
14. Click Apply to export the part or assembly or click OK to export the model and close the dialog box.
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