About Exporting to IGES
Before you export data to IGES files, ensure the data type is appropriate for the receiving system.
IGES does not support all the special characters that Creo supports. When you export special symbols that are not supported by IGES, the receiving system draws these symbols as strokes. For example, clipped dimensions with two arrowheads are exported with only one arrowhead.
You can export drawings to the IGES format, including multi-sheet drawings as a single IGES file. Click > , then any of the following commands:
Save a Copy.
The options in the Export Environment for IGES dialog box depend on the configuration options that you set. These are saved automatically when you export the drawing to the IGES format.
Quick Export.
If you set the configuration option
preferred_export_format, or set the
Creo Parametric Options dialog box’s
2D Data Exchange Settings option
Preferred deliverable for export to
iges, you can use the
Quick Export command to directly export drawings to the IGES format. You can also make IGES the default format of
Quick Export if you click > > and then on the
Export Setup tab select IGES as the file preference.
Export You can preview drawings, and optionally modify their export settings before you export them to the IGES format.
To create a log file, in the
Export Environment for IGES dialog box, select the
Generate a log file check box. You can view the log file in a new window by clicking

. The log file created during the export includes details like the IGES version, and configuration options and their values. You can view, edit, and save the log file. The log file is created in the same directory as the target
*.iges file, and is named:
• igesout.log.#—For a drawing file
• <name>_out.log.#—For a part or assembly file
You can create multiple IGES files in a single session using Creo Distributed Batch.
IGES Version in Output Files
The header of an IGES file contains the code for IGES version 5.2. If the receiving system does not accept 5.2, you can edit the header to contain the most recent version of IGES that the receiving system accepts, for example, 4.0. The receiving system can then read all of the file.