To Define an Orthographic View
1. Click > . The View Setup dialog box opens. Orthographic front view is the default.
2. Accept the default drawing scale value displayed in the Drawing scale box or click the adjacent button to override the default drawing scale value. The Calculate Scale dialog box opens.
3. Use the Calculate Scale dialog box to calculate a drawing scale value and update the Drawing scale box with this value.
4. Under Views on the View Setup dialog box, click any one of the following options to select an orthogonal view:
—Specifies the top view.
—Specifies the front view. This is the default.
—Specifies the right view.
—Specifies the bottom view.
—Specifies the rear view.
—Specifies the left view.
Current view—Displays the view that you select in a dashed rectangular box in the edge highlight color. The view name is also displayed.
Projection—Displays the selected view projected according to the projection system you have selected in the Preferences dialog box. Third-angle projection is the default.
5. Under
View definition, click

to select entities. The
Selection dialog box opens. Drawing entities in the current view are highlighted in the secondary color.
6. Select a single entity or multiple entities. The number of selected entities is displayed in the adjacent box. The selected entities are not highlighted.
7. Add or remove the selected entities from the view using the Selection dialog box.
8. Click

to remove all the entities from the selected view and create a blank view.
9. Click Close in the View Setup dialog box.