To Redefine Shrinkwrap References
1. Retrieve an assembly or a part with a shrinkwrap feature.
2. Select the shrinkwrap feature.
3. Right-click and select

. The
Shrinkwrap tab opens.
4. Click References in the Shrinkwrap tab to change Shrinkwrap references:
◦ Always include surfaces
◦ Never include surfaces
◦ Include Datums
5. Click Details to view or edit defined surface sets. The Surface Sets dialog box opens.
6. Select a surface, right-click, and choose one of the following options:
◦ Remove—Remove the selected item from the list.
◦ Remove All—Clear the list.
◦ Information—Open the Information window.
| To insert a rule-based surface set, click Add, select a surface, and define a rule. |
7. Click OK.