About the Variant Builder User Interface
When you click
Variant Builder, the
Variant Builder opens. Use it to:
• Define local variant specifications
• Configure product variations
• Apply configurations to configurable context
• Generate new variants
The Variant Builder consists of the following user interface items:
• Buttons and variant specification list
• Options List
• Model Tree
• Model Graphics
• Shortcut menus
• Buttons
• Options Selection—Filters the structure by selecting choices from the options list.
• Model Tree Selection—Selects components in the Model Tree.
| To set Model Tree Selection as the default, click > > and select the Open the variant builder in Model Tree Selection mode check box. |
• Variant specification box—Shows the name of the current variant specification. Click the arrow to choose a different variant specification from the list.
—Displays the following commands:
New Variant Spec—Shows the following commands:
▪ New Variant Spec—Creates a new local variant specification from an existing product variant.
▪ New Variant Spec from File—Opens the File Open dialog box to choose a variant specification from an external file. You can choose a variant specification *.vsp file or an assembly *.asm file generated from a configurable product.
▪ Generate Variant Spec from Simp Rep—Opens the Open Representation dialog box to choose a simplified representation.
Save Variant Spec—Shows the following commands:
▪ Save Variant Spec to Assembly—Saves the variant specification with the assembly.
▪ Save Variant Spec to Local File—Saves the variant specification as a local (*.vsp) file.
Delete Current Local Variant Spec—Deletes the current local variant specification.
◦ Settings—Shows the following command:
▪ Exclude members of modules by default check box—Removes excluded module members form the Model Graphics window.
Options List
Lists the options available for defining the variant specification.
• Owner box—Shows the name of the configurable product or module selected from the assembly to display its options.
—Displays or hides option from all sub level owners.
• Search box—Searches for option or choice typed in the box.
—Displays a summary of the selected option choices in the options list area. Click again to return to the options list.
—Displays the following commands:
◦ Show Description—Adds a Description column to the options list.
◦ Sort A to Z—Sorts options alphabetically in descending order from A to Z.
◦ Sort Z to A—Sorts options alphabetically in ascending order from Z to A.
◦ Expand All—Expands all options in the list to display choices.
◦ Collapse All—Collapses all options in the list.
◦ Save Options/Choices Info—Saves the options and choices configured.
• Option list area—Displays options configured for the owner. Click an arrow to display choices for an option.
Model Tree
The Model Tree displays the assembly and assignments. Mouse over an item in the Model Tree to view a summary of its choice assignments.
• Search box—Start typing the name of a component.
• Show—Sets the display of components in the Model Tree.
◦ Check All—Selects all options in the list.
◦ Complete Modules—Shows complete modules. Modules that have one member selected.
◦ Incomplete Modules—Shows incomplete modules. Modules with ambiguity, more than one member is included, or there are conflicts.
◦ Excluded Modules—Shows excluded modules.
—Sets the assignments display in the Model Tree:
◦ Show Included—Displays the Include Assignments column in the Model Tree with all included assignments.
◦ Show Excluded—Displays the Exclude Assignments column in the Model Tree with all excluded assignments.
—Sets the Model Tree options.
◦ Columns—Opens the Model Tree Columns dialog box. Add or remove information columns.
◦ Expand All—Expands all the Model Tree component nodes.
◦ Expand To Selected—Expands the Model Tree to see the components selected in the preview window.
◦ Collapse All—Collapses all component nodes of the Model Tree.
◦ Save Tree—Saves the Model Tree to a text file.
Model Graphics
Displays the selected option choices in the preview window.
• Show—Sets the display of components in the Model Tree.
◦ Check All—Selects all options in the list.
◦ Complete Modules—Shows complete modules. Modules that have one member selected.
◦ Incomplete Modules—Shows incomplete modules. Modules with ambiguity, more than one member is included, or there are conflicts.
◦ Excluded Modules—Shows excluded modules.
—Sets the display of components in the preview window.
◦ Show Hidden—Displays hidden components.
◦ Auto highlight on selection—Highlights selected components.
◦ Auto update preview—Automatically updates components.
◦ Update Preview—Shows updated components. This option is available when Auto update preview is not active.
• Preview window buttons—Sets the position of the preview window.
—Appears to the right of the Option List and Model Tree.
—Appears under the Option List and Model Tree.
—Appears on top of the Option List and Model Tree.
—Appears to the left of the Option List and Model Tree.
—Displays or hides the
Options List.
—Displays or hides the
Model Tree.
—Displays or hides the
Model Graphics.
• Update Representation—Updates the representation in the graphics window to the selected solutions. This is a graphics update, references are not rerouted and there is no regeneration.
• Update Assembly—Updates the configurable product to the defined configuration. Opens the Affected Children dialog box to reroute references to selected module variants.
• Create Product Variant—Generates the product variant according to the variant specification. The assembly opens in a new window.