About the Envelope Definition Component Chooser
When you create a new envelope, the Envelope Definition Component Chooser opens. Use it to select the components to include in the envelope definition.
When you create a default envelope all components are included, therefore you do not access the envelope definition Component Chooser.
The Component Chooser consists of the following user interface items:
• Undo and Redo buttons
• Envelope definition buttons
• Model Tree
• Model Graphics
• Shortcut menus
• Display buttons
Envelope Definition Buttons
Use the following buttons to define the envelope:
• Envelope Part—Opens the Envelope Method dialog box.
• Envelope Geometry—Displays the envelope geometry in the graphics window for editing.
Model Tree
The following commands are available:
• Show—Sets the display of components in the Component Chooser Tree.
◦ Check All—Displays all components.
◦ Included—Displays only nodes included in the envelope.
◦ Excluded—Displays nodes excluded in the envelope.
• Search box—Searches only expanded nodes. Start typing the name of a component.
• Select—Includes the following commands:
◦ Advanced Search—Opens the Search Tool dialog box for selection of components from the main window.
◦ Select in main window—Enables component selection from the main window.
—Sets the Model Tree options.
◦ Columns—Opens the Model Tree Columns dialog box. Add or remove information columns.
◦ Expand All—Expands all the Component Chooser Tree component nodes.
◦ Expand To Selected—Expands the tree to see the components selected in the preview window.
◦ Collapse All—Collapses all component nodes of the Component Chooser Tree.
◦ Save Tree—Saves the Component Chooser Tree to a text file.
Model Graphics
• Show—Sets the display of components in the Model Graphics window.
◦ Check All—Displays all components.
◦ Included—Displays only nodes included in the envelope.
◦ Excluded—Displays nodes excluded in the envelope.
—Sets the display of components in the preview window.
◦ Show Hidden—Displays hidden components.
◦ Auto highlight on selection—Highlights selected components.
◦ Auto update preview—Automatically updates components.
◦ Update Preview—Shows updated components. This option is available when Auto update preview is not active.
Shortcut Menus
To access shortcut menus, right-click the assembly or a component in the component chooser Model Tree or Model Graphics window.
• Derived—Includes or excludes the component in the envelope as derived from the first ancestor with explicit status. All components are included and derived in a default envelope.
• Exclude—Excludes the component from the envelope.
• Include—Includes the component in the envelope.
To access Tree column shortcut menus, right-click the column header. To sort the column in ascending or descending order, click the column header.
• Group By—Groups the nodes in the tree according to values in the column. Only one column can be grouped at a time. When you sort a second column, the nodes under each group are sorted.
• Ungroup—Returns the components to the original structure. This command is the same as > .
• Columns—Click More to open the Model Tree Columns dialog box. Add additional columns and click OK.
To access additional shortcut menus right-click the Component Chooser Model Graphics window.
• Shaded—Displays the model as shaded.
• Hide—Hides the selected component.
• Unhide—Unhides the previously hidden component.
• Unhide All—Unhides all hidden components.
• No Hidden—Displays the model with no hidden lines.
• Hidden Line—Displays the model with hidden lines.
• Wireframe—Displays the model in wireframe.
• Refit—Refits the model view to the window.
• Next—Selects the component closest to the pointer.
• Previous—Selects the previous component.
• Pick From List—Opens a list of components adjacent to the pointer. Select a component from the list.
Display Buttons
• Preview window buttons—Sets the position of the preview window.
—Appears to the right of the Model Tree.
—Appears under the Model Tree.
—Appears on top of the Model Tree.
—Appears to the left of the Model Tree.
—Hides or unhides the Model Tree area.
—Hides or unhides the Model Graphics area.