Creo NC 판금 > Manufacturing Model > To Regenerate a Manufacturing Model
To Regenerate a Manufacturing Model
1. To perform regeneration in Manufacturing mode, click Regenerate from the Parts tabbed page in the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box. The PRT TO REGEN and SELECT PARTS menus appear.
2. Select parts to regenerate. Select Automatic.
When you select the workpiece for regeneration, the REGEN TYPE menu appears with the following options:
Normal—Regenerate a part normally.
Slow—Regenerate a part, and displays the part and tool path after regenerating each manufacturing feature.
Step—Regenerate a part, waits for user input after regenerating, and displays each manufacturing feature.
Supp Fail—Automatically suppress any features that fail upon regeneration, along with their children.
Compute CL—Specify if you want the CL data to be recalculated at regeneration time.
When you specify normal regeneration, the workpiece regenerates as any other part. The part feature currently regenerates in the following form: Regenerating part.prt feature 10 out of 20. This process continues with no user input until all modified features regenerate. At this time, the regenerated part appears.
Slow Regeneration
When you specify slow regeneration, the workpiece regenerates and appears one feature at a time. When you regenerate an NC sequence, the cutter path and tool display. After the first feature regenerates and displays, there is a short pause, then the next feature regenerates.
This process continues until all modified features regenerate.
Step Regeneration
When you specify step regeneration, the workpiece regenerates and appears one feature at a time. After each feature displays, you must enter a carriage return to continue regeneration. Continue this process to step through the regeneration of all modified features.
Regeneration Options
If you select Supp Fail, the system automatically suppresses any features and NC sequences that fail upon regeneration, along with their children. To select the Supp Fail option, click it once; a check mark (3) appears. To turn the check mark off, click once more.
If a check mark next to the Compute CL option is on, the system recalculates CL data every time it regenerates an NC sequence. To reduce the regeneration time, turn it off. If Compute CL is off, only workpiece geometry regenerates. When you choose CL Data, Output, the system reports any errors that may occur with CL Data.
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