About CL Data Files
Cutter Location (CL) data files are generated from the cutter paths specified within Creo NC Sheetmetal NC sequences. Each NC sequence generates a separate CL file; you can also output a single file for a whole operation. These CL data files can then be passed to machine-specific or generic post-processors for NC tape generation or DNC communications.
Generating Machine Control Data (MCD) files is discussed in About Post Processing.
CL Data Library
You can automatically store your NC sequence CL data files in a CL data library. This serves as a central collection point for the CL files produced. You can retrieve the CL files from the CL data library post-process or re-display. The configuration file option to use is:
Always specify the complete path name to the CL data file library to avoid problems when using Creo Parametric in different directories.
CL Data Files
To access the CL data files, click CL Output from the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box.
NC Aliases
The NC Aliases command in the Setup menu in the SMT MFG MACHINING dialog box enables you to establish aliases for CL commands. NC aliases are useful if the post-processor that you use does not support the default CL commands output by Creo Parametric. The NC aliases substitute a command you provide into the CL data. The NC alias may also include additional CL data associated with the command, as well as dimensions, user-defined parameters, and text. NC aliases are saved in a file with the extension .ncd. NC alias files are stored automatically whenever the manufacturing model is saved.
Five CL commands are supported for aliasing: MFGNO, PARTNO, LOADTL,PIERCE and CLAMP. You cannot enter additional CL commands into this list to assign them aliases. NC aliases employ functionality similar to that of drawing notes: you can specify dimensions, parameters, or other fields to be output in the CL command.
For example:
CL Command (system default)
User Command (NC alias)
MACRO_LOAD : &nc_full_arg with &d1 and &param1 and &param2
LOADTL—default CL command output by Creo Parametric. For this example, the complete output statement is: LOADTL / 3, LENGTH, 5.0.
MACRO_LOAD—CL command being substituted for LOADTL.
&nc_full_arg— output that follows the / in the output. In this example, it is 3, LENGTH, 5.0 (see above). The individual fields in this string can be output using &nc_arg[arg_num] (with arg_num beginning at 1). For instance, &nc_arg2 would output LENGTH.
d1—dimension value.
param1 / param2—user-defined parameters; & indicates that their values should be displayed (as in drawing notes). For this example, the value of param1 is BLUE and the value of param2 is GREEN.
The output in the CL data file reads: MACRO_LOAD : 3, LENGTH, 5.0, with 10.00 and BLUE and GREEN
When you use Pro/TABLE to define an NC alias, it must be contained on a single line.
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