스마트 구멍 차트 > SMARTHolechart > Working with SMARTHolechart > To Define Directions and Table Format
To Define Directions and Table Format
After selecting the coordinate system, you are prompted to select the directions and the table format.
For some configuration settings this prompt does not appear.
Select the directions which should be recognized. Only holes in which the direction is parallel to one of the selected directions are valid. Select Other directions to output holes which are not parallel the o X, Y, or Z axis of the reference coordinate system.
Use the option DIR_DEFAULT to preselect the directions. If set, the directions can no longer be selected.
Table format
Available table formats are listed. Select the table format which should be used for output. If the option SELECT_MAIN_TAB is set to no, the first format is used automatically. If the option CREATE_TABLE_PER_TYPE is set to YES, no format can be selected. For each hole type, the first format in which the hole type is selected for output, is used.
Click OK to start the evaluation.
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