Expert Moldbase Extension > Creo Expert Moldbase Extension > About the Moving and Fixed Half Views
About the Moving and Fixed Half Views
By default, two simplified representations for the fixed and the moving half of the mold base are created. The names of these simplified representation can be defined using the configuration options NAME_MOVING_HALF and NAME_FIX_HALF.
Set the CREATE_LAYER_PER_PART and CREATE_GROUP_LAYER configuration options to YES, to automatically create a layer for each model and a group layer for component groups.
Most EMX components are automatically added to the correct simplified representation. However, it may be necessary to manually add components to a certain side.
To add a component to the moving half, click EMX Assembly > View > Add component to > Moving Half and select the desired component in the graphic window.
To add a component to the fixed half, click EMX Assembly > View > Add component to > Fixed Half and select the desired component in the graphic window.
The simplified representation of the moving half can be activated with EMX Assembly > View > Show > Moving Half.
The simplified representation of the fixed half can be activated with EMX Assembly > View > Show > Fixed Half.
To switch back to the master view click, EMX Assembly > View > Show > Master View.
Click EMX Assembly > View > Wireframe Style to toggle components like plates and insert parts to wire frame style.
If you prefer to work with layers instead of simplified representations, set the configuration option USE_LAYER_FOR_SIDE_VIEWS.
Do not change this option when a project is in progress. You can choose to use simplified representations or layers, but not a combination of the two.
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