About Part Names
When you assemble a component, you must add data to uniquely identify each part. Click the Part Names tab in the EMX Options dialog box to set default values for most Bill of Materials (BOM) parameters.
File Name—Links the file name to the component template. When the component template name and the file name are the same, these values in this line are used.
Standard Part—Sets component usage as standard (not modifiable) or non-standard (modifiable).
Add to BOM—Sets the default value in the Component dialog box. When set to N, the component is suppressed in the BOM.
Side—Determines if a component is renamed when assembled on the Moving or Fixed Half of the mold base. Enter ES for the moving half or IS for fixed half. If the names on both halves are identical, enter -.
Simulation—Sets the default simulation group to use for this template.
Part Name—Uses a wildcard-based formatted name for the component.
Alternate part name—Defines an alternative name using the same wildcards.
Part ID—Defines an ID used to sort the BOM so you can list parts in an order that you define.
Group Layer—Sets the group layer name.
Layer—Shows the layer name to use.
BOM Name—Describes the component to print in the BOM. To use multi-language entries, set the configuration option ADD_LOCALIZED_BOM_NAME1 to ADD_LOCALIZED_BOM_NAME5. You can set up to five additional languages.
Order Number—Defines the order number format. By default, order number is set to a value from the database represented by the wildcard <ord_number. Overwrite this setting as needed.
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