About Setting Plate Types in Mold Base Editor
1. Click EMX Assembly > Administrator Tools > Mold Base Editor. The Mold Base Editor dialog box opens.
2. Select the Plate Type tab. The following plate types are available:
plate_1—Clamping plate.
plate_2—Ejector bottom plate.
plate_3—Intermediate/Support plate.
plate_4—Rails (one model).
plate_4_left—Rails (two models).
plate_5—Cavity plate.
plate_6—Ejector base plate.
plate_7—Ejector retainer plate.
plate_8—stripper plate.
3. Click a line in the list to activate a plate instance.
4. Edit values of the activated plate instance.
5. Click to add a new plate instance to the list, or click to remove the active plate instance from list.
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