Creo+ Release Notes > May 2024 > Features and Enhancements > Creo Toolkit > Ability to Generate Check-In Comments Using the Toolkit API
Ability to Generate Check-In Comments Using the Toolkit API
A new public API is added to enable the Creo TOOLKIT application to generate check-in comments when storing data back into Windchill.
When storing Creo data back into Windchill, it is essential to document the history of every object. Typically, check-in comments are leveraged for this purpose. If you use Creo TOOLKIT to perform automated workflows to check data back into Windchill, it could be difficult to automatically capture comments for multiple objects.
To automate this workflow, a new public API is introduced in Creo TOOLKIT. This API enables the generation of check-in comments when checking Creo data back into Windchill. These comments are accessible under the History tab in Windchill.
extern ProError ProServercheckinoptsCommentSet(ProServerCheckinOptions
opts, wchar_t* checkin_comment);
Purpose: Sets the history comment for checkin
Input Arguments:
opts - The checkin/upload options.
checkin_comment - The history comment for checkin
Output Arguments:
Return Values:
PRO_TK_NO_ERROR - The function succeeded.
PRO_TK_BAD_INPUTS - One or more arguments was invalid.
Additional Information
No known limitations.
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