Creo+ Release Notes > May 2023 > Features and Enhancements > Model-Based Definition > Relating Symbols and Surface Finish Annotations to other Annotations in Model-Based Definition
Relating Symbols and Surface Finish Annotations to other Annotations in Model-Based Definition
Previously, there was no easy way to relate symbols or surface finish annotations to other annotations in Model-Based Definition (MBD), and this type of placement was manual, non-associative, and not persistent when the parent annotation was moved. This enhancement introduces a new placement option for symbols and surface finish annotations that enables you to relate a symbol or surface finish annotation to other annotations in 3D models.
The new placement type has the following capabilities:
Ability to relate the offset placement symbols and surface finish to other annotations in MBD.
Ability of the related symbol or surface finish to inherit the same annotation plane as the parent annotation.
Ability to behave as a group or stack for related annotations (mutual movement, assignments to combination states, and so on).
Ability to highlight a parent annotation when a related symbol or surface finish is selected or vice versa.
Ability to relate multiple symbols or surface finishes to a single parent annotation.
Ability to unrelate a related symbol or surface finish from a parent annotation
The benefits of this enhancement are:
Easy and robust placement type for relating symbols and surface finishes to other annotations in MBD.
New Model-Based Definition and Model-Based Enterprise workflows for inspection planning, tracking, and other use cases.
Additional placement options for surface finish annotations that improve compliance to the detail drawing standards.
Additional Information
Relating a symbol or surface finish capability is not supported in the following use cases:
For datum feature symbol annotations.
For relating another symbol or surface finish to a child annotation that is already related to a parent annotation.
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Configuration option associated with this functionality:
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