Bend Arc Threshold
Bend Arc Threshold is a Design Rule parameter. It is the angle at which Piping defines the dimensioning scheme for large angle bends, such as 180 degrees.
In Spec-Driven Piping mode, you can define Bend Arc Threshold in the Master Catalog file when you add the ARC_THRESHOLD column in the Bend Machine file. Different values can be defined according to different pipe SIZE. To update your model with the changes in the Master Catalog, click Setup > Update Model select Bend m/c Parameters in the Update Model dialog box. When you do not define Bend Arc Threshold in the Master Catalog file, you can change it in the Design Rule Parameters dialog box.
In Non Spec-Driven Piping mode, you can define Bend Arc Threshold in the LineStock dialog box.
The dimensioning scheme for the bend refers to how the bend is located along the pipe.
Piping can locate the bend by either the theoretical intersection point or the bend arc center point.
If the bend angle along the pipe is smaller than the value of Bend Arc Threshold in the design, the bend information is placed at the center of the bend.
If the bend angle along the pipe is higher than the value of Bend Arc Threshold in the design, the bend information is placed at the theoretical intersection point of the bend.
For a 180-degree bend, a bend value is reported for the location of the center of the arc of the 180-degree bend. The following images illustrate a pipe centerline with 180-degree and 90-degree bends and the location of the bend information coordinates for different Bend Arc Threshold values:
Bend Arc Threshold set to zero—The 0-1 and 0-2 coordinates display the bend information from the center of the bends.
Bend Arc Threshold set to 165—The 165-1 coordinate is at the center of the 180-degree bend. However, the 165-2 coordinate is at the intersection point as the Bend Arc Threshold is larger than the 90-degree bend.
Bend Arc Threshold set to 181—The 181-1, 181-2, and 181-3 coordinates are at the intersection point as the Bend Arc Threshold is larger than both 90-degree and 180-degree bends.
While generating the reports, such as Bend Machine report, FIF report, and SupraVision (Output $$$) report, ensure that all the coordinates are on the plane on which the pipeline is created.
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