Mold Design and Casting
Mold Design and Casting Overview
Using Mold Design and Casting
What You Can Do with Mold Design and Casting
To Perform a Typical Mold Design Session
More about Mold Design
To Perform a Typical Casting Session
More about Casting
Example: Simulating the Opening of a Die
Using Multibody Parts In Mold and Cast Cavity Assemblies
Configuring for Mold Design and Casting
Configurations Options for Mold Design and Casting
Working in Mold or Cast Mode
About Mold or Cast Model Files
About Legacy .mfg Files
To Create a New Mold or Cast Model
About the Mold or Cast Model Tree
To Filter Features for Display in the Mold or Cast Model Tree
Example: Mold or Cast Model
About the Mold User Interface
About the Cast User Interface
Design Models
About Design Models
Example: Design Model for Casting
To Create a Mold Assembly with Multiple Design Models
Applying Shrinkage
About Applying Shrinkage
To Specify a Shrinkage Formula
Selecting the Shrinkage Formula
To Apply Shrinkage by Dimension
Applying Shrinkage by Dimension
Example: Applying Shrinkage by Dimension
Tip: Shrinkage and UDFs
Tip: Resolving Relations When Applying Shrinkage
To Apply Shrinkage by Scaling
Applying Shrinkage by Scaling
To View Shrinkage Information
Using Reference Parts
About Reference Parts
To Assemble the Reference Part to the Mold or Cast Assembly
To Create a New Reference Part
Design Part and Reference Part Relationship
Reference Part Layout
About Reference Part Layout
To Access the Layout Dialog Box
To Create a Simple Reference Part Layout
The Reference Model Orientation Dialog Box
Designating the Reference Part Layout
To Create a Reference Part Coordinate System on the Fly
To Allow the Same Model
Allowing the Same Model
Inherited Reference Part
About the Inherited Reference Part
To Redefine Elements of an Inherited Reference Part
To Define Varied Dimensions in an Inheritance Reference Part
To Suppress, Resume, Erase or Restore Varied Features in an Inherited Reference Part
To Define Varied Parameters in an Inherited Reference Part
To Define Varied Shrinkage in an Inherited Reference Part
To Define Varied References in an Inherited Reference Part
To Define the Dependency of an Inherited Reference Part
To Redefine the Placement of the Inherited Reference Part
Using Workpieces and Die Blocks
About Workpieces or Die Blocks
To Assemble the Workpiece or Die Block into the Mold or Cast Assembly
To Create Manual Workpieces
Cutting Out Reference Parts of a Workpiece
Automatic Workpiece Creation
About Automatic Workpiece Creation
To Create an Automatic Workpiece
Working with Parting Surfaces
About Parting Surfaces
Copying Reference Geometry to Create Parting Surfaces
About Copying Reference Geometry to Create a Parting Surface
To Copy Reference Geometry to Create a Parting Surface
Using Engineering Tools to Create Parting Surfaces
About Using Engineering Tools to Create Parting Surfaces
To Use Engineering Tools to Create a Parting Surface
Using Skirt Surfaces to Create Parting Surfaces
About Skirt Surfaces
To Use a Skirt Surface to Create a Parting Surface
About Filling Inner Loops in a Skirt Parting Surface
Example: Skirt Surface
Example: Types of Extension Tangent to the Reference Part
Example: Transition Areas on a Skirt Surface Extension
Example: Shut Off Area on a Skirt Surface Extension
Using Shadow Surfaces to Create Parting Surfaces
About Shadow Surfaces
To Use a Shadow Surface to Create a Parting Surface
Comparing Skirt Surfaces and Shadow Surfaces
Filling Loops in a Parting Surfaces
About Filling Loops in a Parting Surface
To Fill a Loop Using the Fill Loops Command
Example: Defining the Location of the Fill
To Fill a Loop Using the Shut Off Command
Example: Capping an Open Loop
To Fill a Loop Using a Flat or Revolved Surface
Merging Patches in a Parting Surface
About Merging Patches in a Parting Surface
To Merge Patches in a Parting Surface
Example: Merging Patches in a Parting Surface
Example: Selecting Sides When Merging Patches
Modifying Parting Surfaces
About Modifying Parting Surfaces
Using Shape Surface Selection to Select Surfaces of a Parting Surface
About Using Shape Surface Selection to Select Surfaces of a Parting Surface
To Use Shape Surface Selection to Select Surfaces of a Parting Surface
Transforming Parting Surfaces
About Transforming Parting Surfaces
To Transform Parting Surfaces
Using Edit Features to Modify Parting Surfaces
About Using Edit Features to Modify Parting Surfaces
To Use Edit Features to Modify Parting Surfaces
To Rename a Parting Surface
To Redefine a Parting Surface
To Shade a Parting Surface
To Draft the Geometry of a Parting Surface
About Translating, Rotating, and Mirroring Curves and Surfaces
To Translate, Rotate, and Mirror Curves and Surfaces
About Trimming a Parting Surface
Classifying Surfaces
About Classifying Surfaces
To Classify Surfaces
About Shading Classified Surfaces
To Shade and Zoom Classified Surfaces
Example: Classifying and Shading Surfaces
Working with Volumes
Creating Volumes
About Creating and Defining a Volume
To Create and Define a Volume
Creating Automatic Volumes
About Creating Automatic Volumes
To Create Automatic Volumes
Example: Creating Automatic Volumes
Splitting to Volumes
How a Split Works
Guidelines for Splitting Volumes
About Splitting a Volume into One or More Volumes
To Split a Volume into One or More Volumes
Example: Splitting a Volume
To Create a Solid Split
Creating a Solid Split
Creating Advanced Features for Volume Splits
Shaping Volumes
To Shape a Volume
Example: Shaping a Volume
Gathering Volumes
About Gathering Volumes
To Gather a Volume
Tip: Combining Sketch and Gather
To Select Surface Types
Example: Selecting Surfaces
Selecting Surfaces
Example: Selecting Surf & Bnd
Excluding Surfaces and Outer Loops
About Excluding Surfaces and Outer Loops
Example: Excluding Outer Loops
Filling Inner Loops
About Filling Inner Loops in a Volume
To Fill an Inner Loop
Closing the Volume
About Closing the Volume
To Close a Volume
The Close Loop Menu
Example: Specifying Closure Instructions
Displaying the Volume Definition
About Displaying the Volume Definition
To Display the Volume Definition
Cutting Out Reference Parts
About Cutting out Reference Parts of a Volume
To Cut Out Reference Parts of a Volume
About Cutting out Reference Parts from a Workpiece or a Die Block
To Cut Out Reference Parts from a Workpiece or a Die Block
Example: Using Sketch and Ref Part Cutout
Redefining Volumes
Using Shape Surface Selection to Select Surfaces of a Volume
About Using Shape Surface Selection to Select Surfaces of a Volume
To Use Shape Surface Selection to Select Surfaces of a Volume
Transforming Volumes
About Transforming Volumes
To Transform Volumes
Using Edit Features to Redefine Volumes
About Using Edit Features to Modify Volumes
To Use Edit Features to Modify Volumes
To Redefine a Volume
To Rename a Volume
To Reorder a Volume
To Blank or Unblank a Volume
To Shade a Volume
To Redefine Mold and Cast Surface Colors
To Trim a Volume
To Replace a Mold Volume Surface
To Create an Attach Volume Feature
Creating Sliders
About Sliders
To Create a Slider
Using the Slider Functionality
Dealing with Slider Extension Failure
Example: Creating a Slider
Example: Selecting a Projection Plane for a Slider
To Redefine the Slider Surface Color
Operating on Components
About Operating on Mold Components
To Create a Solid Part
About Shadow Cut Out
To Cut Out a Workpiece Component
Extracting Mold Components
About Extracting Mold Components or Die Blocks
To Extract a Mold Component or Die Block
Example: Extracting a Component or Die Block
Sand Cores
About Sand Cores
To Create a Sand Core Using Cast
Tip: Splitting Sand Cores
Working with Mold or Cast Results
About Creating the Mold or Cast Result
To Create a Mold or Cast Result
To Delete a Mold or Cast Result
Mold or Cast Base Components
About Mold Base Components and Fixtures
To Assemble the Mold Base Component or Fixture into the Mold or Cast Assembly
To Create a New Mold Base Component or Fixture
To Create a Mold Component
To Remove a Component
Deleting a Component or Die Block
To Add an Assembly to a Mold or Cast Model
To Reclassify an Assembly Component
Using the Ejector Pin Catalog
About Using the Ejector Pin Catalog
To Use the Ejector Pin Catalog
Component Set Menu
The Define Parameters Dialog Box
To Add an Ejector Pin Set
The Define Set Dialog Box
To Create Holes for Ejector Pins
To Generate an Ejector Pin Component Name
To Redefine All Ejector Pin Set Members
To Delete an Ejector Pin Set
To Trim an Ejector Pin Set
To Create Clearance Holes
Model Accuracy
About Mold Model Accuracy
To Control Model Accuracy
Simplified Representations
About Simplified Representation in Mold and Casting
To Create a Simplified Rep
Blanking and Unblanking
About Blanking and Unblanking
To Blank an Object
To Unblank an Object
Verifying Models
About the Mold Analysis Dialog Box
To Perform a Mold Analysis on Waterlines
About Draft
About Draft Checking
To Perform a Draft Check
About Determining the Optimal Pull Direction
Example: Display of a Draft Check
To Perform a 3D Thickness Check
Example: 3D Thickness Check With and Without Postprocessing
To Perform a Section Thickness Check
Example: Thickness Check Performed Using Sel Plane
To Perform a Section Thickness Check Using Make Slices
Example: Defining the First Slice for Checking Thickness
To Calculate the Surface Area of a Cavity
To Perform a Parting Surface Check
Mold or Casting Information
About Mold or Cast Information
To Display Mold or Cast Information
Creating Mold and Cast Features
About Mold and Cast Features
To Set the Default Pull Direction
Silhouette Curves
About Creating Silhouette Curves
To Create a Silhouette Curve
Creating Silhouette Curves to Handle Undercuts
To Create a Silhouette Curve to Handle Mold Undercuts
About Closing a Gap in a Silhouette Curve
To Close a Gap in a Silhouette Curve
Example: Closing Gaps
About Handling Loops
To Include or Exclude a Loop
Example: Including and Excluding Loops
Draft Curves and Parting Curves
About Draft Lines, Draft Curves, and Parting Curves
To Define the Draft Environment
To Create a Draft Curve
To Create a Parting Curve
Modifying Parting Curves
To Create an Automatic Parting Curve
Creating Automatic Parting Curves
Tangent Draft
About Tangent Draft
To Create a Curve-Driven Tangent Draft
Reference Curve Requirements for Curve-Driven Tangent Drafts
Example: Creating a Curve-Driven Tangent Draft
Example: Specifying Cap Angle and Closing Surfaces
To Create a Constant-Angle Tangent Draft
Example: Creating a Constant-Angle Tangent Draft
To Create a Tangent Draft Cut
Example: Creating a Tangent Draft Cut
Creating an Offset
About Creating an Offset
To Create a Whole Offset
To Create an Area Offset
RefPart Cutout
To Use RefPart Cutout
Trim to Geom
About the Trim to Geom Feature
To Use the Trim to Geom Feature in Mold Mode
To Use the Trim to Geom Feature in Cast Mode
To Use the Trim to Geom Feature in Mold Layout Assembly
About Nonplanar Runners
To Create a Runner
Example: Non-planar Runners
To Define a Non-Planar Runner by Sketching a Path
To Create a Non-Planar Runner by Selecting a Path
User-Defined Features
About User-Defined Features in Mold Design
To Define a User-Defined Feature (UDF)
To Place a User-Defined Feature
To Create Ejector Pin Clearance Holes
Tip: Ejector Pin Clearance Holes in a UDF
Working in the Mold/Cast Part Application
About Creating Mold and Cast Features in Part Mode
To Create Mold and Cast Features in Part Mode
About Water Lines
To Create Water Lines
To Check Waterline Circuits
The Mold or Die Opening Process
About the Mold or Die Opening Process
To Define a Mold or Die Opening Sequence
Example: Defining a Move
Using the Mold and Cast OPEN Menus
Rules for Defining a Move
To Check for Interference
To Display Exploded Geometry
To Animate a Mold Opening Sequence
Example: Simulating a Mold Opening
Working in the Mold Layout Assembly Application
Mold Layout
About Mold Layout
To Create a New Mold Layout
About the Mold Layout User Interface
Mold Layout Information
Cavity Layout
About Cavity Layout
To Create a Typical Multi-Cavity Mold
To Create a Six Cavity Layout
To Create a Mold or Casting Model on the Fly
To Create a Four-Cavity Mold with Different Core Pins
Mold Model Origin and Cavity Layout Origin
Representing Multi-Cavity Molds
Rules for Populating the Cavity Layout
About Population Rules in a Cavity Layout
Single Rule
Circular Rule
Rectangular Rule
Mold Bases
About Using a Mold Base in a Mold Layout
To Select and Place a Mold Base
About Customizing the Mold Base Parameter File
To Customize the Mold Base Parameter File
To Replace or Delete a Mold Base
Tip: Modifying Mold Base Plates
Tip: Using Additional Plates
Injection Molding Machines (IMMs)
About Injection Molding Machines (IMMs)
To Assemble an Injection Molding Machine (IMM)
To Customize an Injection Molding Machine (IMM)
To Set Up IMM Filters for Complex Machine Searches
To Replace an Injection Molding Machine
Number Parameters
Parameter Text File
About Catalogs
To Create a New Component Catalog
To Set the Index File
The Mold Catalog Engine
Creating the Template Part
About the Template Part
To Create the Template Part
To Create Template Features and Parameters
To Control Features Through Layouts
Default Values of Quilt Dimensions
Creating the Layout
About Creating the Layout Files
To Create the Main Layout File
To Create the Unit Layout File
To Create the Quilt Layout File
To Create the Next Level Layout File
To Create the Type Layout File
To Create Parameters in the New Layout File
To Create the First Level Dimension Parameter Layout File
To Create the Final Level Layout File
To Create Additional Feature Layouts
To Create Quilts or Trims in the Model
Using the Component Catalog
About Using the Component Catalog
To Select and Place a Catalog Component
To Trim a Catalog Component
To Create Holes for Catalog Components
Customizing the Catalog
About Customizing the Catalog
To Add a New Command to the Menu
To Change a Default Selection of the Menu
To Add a New Input Panel
To Change a Default Value of the Input Panel
To Change a Layout-Driven Component Dimension
To Change a Non-layout Driven Component Dimension
Glossary for Mold Design and Casting
Creo Mold Analysis (CMA)
PTC Creo Mold Analysis
About PTC Creo Mold Analysis
Flow Behavior
Mold Analysis Workflow
About Mold Analysis Workflow
Supported System of Units
To Open an Analysis File
To Save an Analysis File
Material Setup
About Material Setup
To Select a Material
To Edit a Material
About Process Conditions
Polymer Properties
About Cooling Time Indicator
Gate Setup
About Gate Setup
To Add a Gate Manually
To Add a Gate Automatically
To Edit or Delete a Gate
About Length versus Thickness Indicator
To Set up and Run an Analysis
To Select an Analysis
Viewing Results
About Viewing Results
To View a Result
To View Results using View Control Options
To Generate a Report
Analyzing Results
About Result Advisor
About Mold Analysis Results
Melt Front Time Result
Pressure Result
Temperature Results
Frozen Layer Ratio Result
Volumetric Shrinkage Result
X-Y Plot Results
Mold Design and Casting
X-Y Plot Results