Creo Layout > References > Model Based Definition > Creating Various Annotation Types > Model Notes > To Create a Hyperlink in a Note
To Create a Hyperlink in a Note
You can associate a hyperlink and screen tip with a model note during note creation, or attach them to an existing note in your model.
1. When creating or modifying a note, select the note, right-click and click Add Link. The Edit Hyperlink dialog box opens.
2. In the text box, type a URL or internal link that you wish to associate with the Note.
3. (Optional) To create a screen tip:
Click Screen Tip. The Set Hyperlink ScreenTip dialog box opens.
Type your text in the text box. Click OK.
4. Click OK in the Edit Hyperlink dialog box. The note color changes to indicate there is a hyperlink associated with it. By default, it turns blue and underlined. The actual color and style depend on your Browser Options, available under Commands Not in the Ribbon in the Creo Parametric Options dialog box.
If a note has a hyperlink associated with it, you can edit or remove the hyperlink by selecting the note on the screen or in the Model Tree, right-clicking on it, and selecting Edit Link or Remove Link, respectively, from the shortcut menu.