Creo Layout > References > Model Based Definition > Creating Various Annotation Types > Dimension Properties > Driven Dimensions > Placing Dimensions Using the Shortcut Menu
Placing Dimensions Using the Shortcut Menu
When you create a driven or reference dimension between two reference entities, such as, circle or arc centers, datum points, or edge intersections, the following commands are available on the shortcut menu:
Horizontal—Indicates the horizontal distance.
Vertical—Indicates the vertical distance.
Slanted—Indicates the distance between two attachment points. This command is available only when the dimension is attached to points.
* This orientation is not available for dimension created between two circles or arcs by using tangent as select reference option.
Parallel To—Indicates distance in the direction parallel to the selected entity. Select an entity to determine the direction.
Perpendicular To—Indicates distance in the direction perpendicular to the selected entity. Select an entity to determine the direction.
After you place the dimension, you can re-orient the dimension using the Orientation list in the Display group.