Extended modules > Creo Elements/Direct Part Library > Parts > Check standard parts
Check standard parts
You can check whether the standard parts of a model correspond to the current information in the library.
1. Click Part Library and then, in the Catalog group, click the arrow next to More.
2. Click Standardpart Check in the Check section. The Standardpart Check dialog box opens.
3. Select All to examine the entire model or StartAssy to examine only the specified assembly.
4. Under Check, select one or both of the following:
With Library ID—Checks library parts.
Raw Materials—Checks raw materials such as pipes and profiles.
5. Under Extended Search, select one of the following:
Off—Does not perform an extended search.
In Same Group—Searches for standard parts in the same group.
Group—Searches for standard parts in the specified group.
6. Under Check Extended, select one or both of the following:
Different Column Values—Displays standard parts for which the content of a column at the time of creation differs from the current column value.
No Favorite—Displays standard parts that are correct but are not marked as favorites.
7. Click OK to complete the operation. The StandardPart Check Table opens and displays information about the standard parts.