Extended modules > 3D Documentation > Create 3D documentation > Automatic dimensioning
Automatic dimensioning
Profile geometry can be dimensioned automatically on the workplane. You can create a number of distance, radius, and diameter dimensions in one operation, attached to selected edges, vertices, and other elements.
Distances are measured from a specified U-axis or V-axis or both to the elements or edges being dimensioned. You can specify the position for the first dimension, and any subsequent distance dimensions are positioned with respect to the first. Vertices, lines, circles and arcs can all be dimensioned in this way.
In addition, selected circles are dimensioned with diameter dimensions, and selected arcs are dimensioned with radius dimensions. If you add dimensions to circular elements only, a U or V index is not required.
Automatic dimensioning operations are independent from each other. Therefore, a "stacked" positioning of dimension labels is only possible for dimensions created within a single command. Dimensions created in different operations may interfere with each other.
Automatically dimension a profile
You can automatically add multiple distance, radius, and diameter labels to a profile in the workplane. First you specify a U axis or a V axis or both from which to measure distances, and then you select the elements (edges, arcs, circles, vertices) to be dimensioned. Construction geometry cannot be dimensioned.
It is also possible to specify the position for the first dimension; further dimensions created in the same operation are positioned ("stacked") with respect to the first one.
The options in the Multi Dim dialog box are the following:
Index Elements
These options set the datums for distance measurements: Index U
specifies the index point or line for distances along the U axis, and Index V specifies the datum for measuring along the V axis. To specify an edge for one of these indexes, it must be perpendicular to the axis in question. Index UV specifies a common datum point for both axes. For all three options you can select a circle or arc to specify its center point as the index.
Dimension Positioning
These options specify the positions for the first distance dimensions on the U and V axes. Subsequent dimensions are positioned with respect to these initial positions.
Dimensioned Elements
You can specify elements to dimension in three selection criteria: Elements
and Edges, including circles and arcs, and Vertices.
Note that distance labels are created only in the directions (U, V, or both) for which an index has been specified.
When a circle is selected for dimensioning, a diameter dimension is created; when an arc is selected, a radius dimension is created. This does not depend upon specified indexes or dimension positioning.
To automatically dimension a profile,
1. Click 3D Documentation and then, in the Annotate group, click the arrow next to More.
2. Click Multi (under Dimension).
3. Specify index elements (lines, vertices, circles or arcs (to specify their center points)) for distance dimensions:
Index U and Index V specify the datums for horizontal and vertical distances respectively. You can specify different indexes for U and V.
Index UV specifies a common index for the U and V distances.
You do not need to specify index elements if you are only creating radius and diameter dimensions.
4. If necessary, click one or both dimension positioning options (Start U and Start V) and specify the position for the first distance dimension. You can click a vertex, an edge perpendicular to the relevant axis, or an arc or circle to specify its center point.
5. Specify the elements to dimension with the Elements, Edges, and Vertices options. Click these as required and specify edges, arcs, circles, and vertices. Use the Select tool to specify multiple elements, or define a selection box.
6. Continue dimensioning profiles, or complete the operation by clicking .