Extended modules > 3D Documentation > Highlight annotations
Highlight annotations
You can highlight specific annotations temporarily in the viewport, using a highlight color that you can specify (the default is yellow). Datum references and "back-loops" can be highlighted using their own colors (by default, red and blue respectively).
A back-loop is associated with datum references; it is a back-reference to annotations that reference the datum symbols being referenced. In this way you can highlight not only selected datum references, but also the annotations that refer to those selected datum references.
A "recursive" option allows you to highlight a continuous "loop" of all back-referenced annotations, that is, those that ultimately reference the selected datum or datums. This can be useful to determine which annotations on your model do not reference a particular datum.
As an example, the graphic below shows the result of Highlight Annotations after selecting the dimension with index 11 with the Recursive option switched on:
The dimension with index 11 is highlighted in yellow as this is the dimension that was selected. Datum C is highlighted in red because the dimension with index 11 uses this datum as its origin. The dimension with index 5 also references the datum C, therefore it is highlighted in blue (a back-loop). Furthermore, the dimension with index 5 uses datum B as origin, so it is also highlighted in blue (recursive back-loop).
To highlight annotations,
1. Click 3D Documentation and then, in the Display group, click the arrow next to Highlight.
2. Click Annotation. The Highlight Anno dialog box opens.
3. If necessary, specify a different highlight color by clicking Color and selecting one from the Color Selector.
4. To highlight datums:
Click the Highlight check box (under Datum Reference).
If necessary, select a different Datum Color.
5. To highlight back-loops:
Click the Highlight check box (under Back-loop).
If necessary, select a different Loop Color.
Click the Recursive check box to highlight all back-referenced annotations related to the selection; this will show a loop of annotations all ultimately referencing the selected datum.
Click the incl Faces check box to highlight also the faces that the highlighted annotations refer to.
6. Continue highlighting annotations, or click to complete the operation.
Annotations cease to be highlighted when you click in the dialog box.