Moduli estesi > Creo Elements/Direct Mold Base > Nozioni di base sulla base degli stampi > Create plate
Create plate
Add plates above or below standard plates by selecting a reference plate. The default dimensions of the new plate are the dimensions of the reference plate. The standard mold plates created by the New mold dialog box will be moved to create space for the newly added plate. Adding plates without moving plates is also possible.
After creating the plate the recalculate function will begin.
To add plate, click Mold Base and then, in the Create group, click Plate. The Create Plate dialog box opens.
Plate: Name of the newly created plate.
Reference: Plate relative to which the new plate will be added. The new plate will inherit the dimensions (X, Y, Z) from the reference plate.
Above: If selected the new plate will be above the reference plate.
Below: If selected the new plate will be below the reference plate.
Arrange plates: If marked the plate assembly will be adjusted according to the new plate (that is, the plates above (below) will be moved).
X: The length of the new plate (defaults to the reference plate size).
Y: The width of the new plate (defaults to the reference plate size).
Z: Height of the new plate (defaults to the reference plate size).
X-: Align new plate to the X- side of the reference plate.
X+: Align new plate to the X+ side of the reference plate
Center: Align new plate to the Center of the reference plate
Y-: Align new plate to the Y- side of the reference plate
Y+: Align new plate to the Y+ side of the reference plate
By default the new plate gets the attributes of the reference plate. Each parameter may be modified.