Modules étendus > Creo Elements/Direct Mold Base > Echange thermique > Create pipe cycle
Create pipe cycle
Click Heat Exchange and then, in the Create Pipe group, click Pipe. The Create Pipe Cycle dialog box opens.
Face: Select start face of the pipe.
Position: Select a point that will define the start of the pipe.
Offset: Set the start point of the next new pipe at a distance from the end point of the previous pipe axis along the axis of the previous pipe
Face Nor: If selected then the position point will be projected to the start face in the direction of the face normal and will become the start point of the pipe. Pipe orientation will be defined relative to the projected point (angles V and H below).
Pipe Dir: If selected then the position point will be projected along the pipe direction defined by the V and H angels below. Pipe orientation will be defined relative to the selected point.
Diameter: Select or key in pipe diameter
Blind Hole
Length: Define length of pipe from start point to the tip of the drill.
To Point: Set the end point of the pipe at the selected point.
Through hole
Through: For through pipes.
Next Face: Pages through possible end faces for the pipe (if more then one exists).
Prev Face: Pages through possible previous faces for the pipe (if more then one exists).
V, H: angles to define the orientation of the pipe axis relative to the start face normal direction. In case Face Nor is selected then the rotation point is the start point of the face normal. In case Pipe Dir is selected the rotation point is the selected position point above.
Next: Start new pipe at the end point of the last one. The Position parameter is disabled
Back: Reset the pipe preview parameters to their first value.