Modules étendus > Documentation 3D > Plans documentation > Section docuplanes
Section docuplanes
Section docuplanes are used to view the inside of a model using clipping planes. They are basically the same as other docuplanes but include additional functionality:
The 3D geometry located in front of the section plane is normally hidden when showing the section docuplane. However, it is also possible to display the section docuplane without sectioning the model.
The name of the section docuplane must be in the format "character-character", for example, "A-A".
Sectioning is realized with the help of enhanced clipping planes. Since you can display clipping planes in multiple viewports independently of each other, you can, for example, show the section "A-A" in vport2 and at the same time show the section "B-B" in vport3.
If you want to transfer the section docuplane and its annotations to the Creo Elements/Direct Annotation module, you must specify a "section parent" docuplane for the section docuplane. This is because the 2D section view derives from a parent view, and the transferred section parent is used as that parent view. The section parent assignation has no effect in 3D Documentation itself. It is useful to note that 2D parent and section views are interdependent, whereas in 3D Documentation section docuplanes are independent. Section parent docuplanes must be normal to the section docuplanes, and they must both belong to the same docuplane set.
If you have specified a parent docuplane for a section docuplane, section lines will be displayed on the parent. If you create a partial of the section docuplane, the section lines will adjust to the size of the partial. These lines will transfer to 2D drawings along with other 3D annotations.