Modules étendus > Documentation 3D > Modification de documentation 3D > Modify reference lines
Modify reference lines
You can create intermediate points on existing reference lines. This helps when a docuplane lacks adequate room for a direct reference line. You can also move labels and modify reference lines' intermediate points.
To modify a reference line,
1. Click 3D Documentation and then, in the Annotate group, click the arrow next to More.
2. Click Refline under Modify.
3. Click the reference line you wish to modify in the viewport.
4. Decide how you wish to modify the reference line, and choose from the following actions:
Move label: Click and drag the label. Click again to position the label.
Create intermediate points: Right-click the viewport and click Stretch on the context menu. Click a point on the reference line, then stretch and bend the line. Click again to place the line. Click and stretch the line again if you wish to create another intermediate point.
Move intermediate points: Click an intermediate point and reposition it. Click again to place it.
Remove a single intermediate point: Right-click the viewport and click Delete on the context menu. Click an intermediate point (corner) to remove it.
Remove all intermediate points: Right-click the viewport and click Clear on the context menu. Click a reference line to remove all intermediate points.
5. Should you make a mistake during any of the above operations, right-click in the viewport and click Back to undo the last change.
6. Click to complete the operation.
This command cannot be used with:
Free 3D annotations; the annotation must belong to a docuplane.
Annotations specifying dimensions.
Intermediate points are lost when their 3D annotation is reassociated with another docuplane. Intermediate points are not retained in files saved as versions prior to 2007.