Modify an interlocking block
Difficulty: First-time user: Project 2 of 2
Stretch the part
Click File > Open to load Block2.pkg.
Select the lowermost edge of the vertical (side) face and click on the Command Mini Toolbar (CMT) to create a linear distance dimension (annotation). The dimension shows the width of the selected edge (100 units).
Select the linear dimension, which is closest to the face to be moved, type 200, and press ENTER on the keyboard to stretch the block to twice its original width.
Select the vertical (side) face of the block, drag the arrow to move the face by 20 units, and press SPACEBAR to open the Option Mini Toolbar (OMT).
Click on the OMT, press TAB and select the cylindrical faces of the two bosses, and middle-click to complete the selection.
Select the lowermost edge of the face adjacent to the vertical face, which was moved and click on the CMT to create a linear distance dimension (annotation). The dimension shows the width of the selected edge (120 units).
Select the midpoint of the linear dimension and move the vertical faces (both sides) connected by the linear dimension.
Don't forget to click to complete each operation. Click View and then, in the Viewing group, click:
or zoom for a better view.
Chamfer the edge
Select the edge of the block and click on the CMT to create a distance/distance chamfer (D1 and D2). The Create Chamfer dialog box opens.
Drag the arrow on the lateral (top) face to set D1 to 90 units and drag the arrow on the vertical face to set D2 to 25 units. You can also type Distance 1 and Distance 2 values in the Create Chamfer dialog box.
Shell the part
Select a corner of the 3D object and click on the CMT to shell the part. The Shell dialog box opens.
Select the lowermost face of the object and shell the object. Click Preview in the Shell dialog box to preview the shelled object.
You can exclude features like bosses from the shell operation.
Exclude the four bosses (recognized features) from the shell operation. Click Suppress Features > From Inner in the Shell dialog box and drag the cursor to select all four bosses in the viewport.
Watch the video to learn how to use this powerful option.
Create a clipping plane
Select the cylindrical face of a boss.
Right-click and choose Define Clipping On Axis from the context menu. The viewport shows a clipping plane and the Define Clipping Planes dialog box opens.
Flip the object in the viewport to show the clipping plane in the foreground.
You can deactivate the clipping plane in the viewport or delete the clipping plane.
Right-click Clipping1 in the structure browser and choose Deactivate in current viewport from the context menu to deactivate the clipping plane.
Right-click Clipping1 in the structure browser and choose Delete from the context menu to delete the clipping plane.
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