Create stamp features with stamp tools
Creating stamp features like dimples, lances, or counter sinks with stamp tools means to choose a tool from the tool data base (TDB) and use it to stamp the dimple, lance, or counter sink into a sheet metal part.
Before you are allowed to choose a tool in the Stamp dialog box, you must specify the sheet metal part with which you want to work, and a workplane or a face. The defaults are the active part and workplane. The workplane must be directly on either the top or bottom face of one of the sheets of the part.
Once you have defined the part and the workplane or face, you are free to specify the other parameters, starting with the tool type.
You will generally start specifying the tool type and the stamp tool. Click Tool Type to display a table of stamp tool types which are available in the current shop.
Choose a tool type from the table. A second table is then displayed with all tools of that type which are available in the current shop.
Depending on the tool type, the displayed table has a number of column entries which define the tool.
To specify a tool, you can either click anywhere in the table row of the tool and then click Apply, or you simply double-click the table row. The result is the same:
• The tool's feedback appears attached to the cursor.
• The entry defined appears in the box next to Tool.
• The Adjust and Angle boxes are filled in with the appropriate default values.
• Creo Elements/Direct Sheet Metal prompts you to position the tool or to alter one of the parameters.
You can alter the values of Adjust and Angle. The new values of Adjust and Angle are immediately reflected by the cursor attached feedback.
To position the tool click where you want the stamp feature to appear. You can position the tool as often as you want.
To remove a mispositioned tool click Pos Back. Each clicking of Pos Back removes one further tool position. Clicking Next Stamp applies the positioned tools, but you stay in the routine, ready to choose another tool.
To remove a mispositioned tool feature click Stamp Back. Each click removes the features created by the previous stamp.
To finish the tool stamp operation click
Example: Placing and apply a stamp tool
In this example, you stamp features into a part. The following graphic shows the part before and after the operation.
1. Click
Sheet Metal and then, in the
Model Sheet group, click
Stamp. The
Stamp dialog box opens.
2. If necessary click Part in the Stamp menu and specify the sheet metal part you want to work on.
3. Click Workplane in the Stamp dialog box and specify a workplane that has been positioned on the face you want to stamp.
Make sure the positioned workplane is active.
Click Face and specify the face you want to punch.
| For the correct positioning of tools you may want to create construction lines. |
4. Click Tool Type. Creo Elements/Direct Sheet Metal opens the table with the available tool types.
5. Double-click Dimple With Hole in the Stamp Types table.
6. Creo Elements/Direct Sheet Metal displays a table with the available dimple tools.
7. Double-click a tool from the tools table. Creo Elements/Direct Sheet Metal attaches the tool feedback at its default reference point to the cursor. In case of round tools the default reference point is the tool center.
8. To place the tool click its position on the sheet. Make sure the violation zone feedback does not touch an edge. The 2D CoPilot helps you to decide a suitable position.
If you incorrectly position the tool, click Pos Back and try again.
The tool stays attached to the cursor. With each click you position it once.
9. To perform the stamp of the dimples, click