Analyze similarity search results
Similarity search results are visible in the form of an analyze tree in the Similarity Search dialog box after search is complete. Alternatively, you can see the results as follows:
1. Click
Part Library and then, in the
Part & Assembly group, click the arrow next to
2. Click
Show Similarity Search. The
Similarity Search dialog box opens.
All parts and assemblies are visible in the analyze tree. Similar parts are listed under a part in the tree.
• For a part, the part name and configurable attributes (in parenthesis) are visible.
• For similar parts, the following indicators are visible:
—The similar part has the same attributes as the part.
—The similar part has different attributes.
—The similar part is 100% similar, that is, the parts are geometrically identical.
—The similar part is not 100% similar but the similarity is above the specified minimum limit.
—The similar part is 100% similar but it is a mirrored part.
| If the indicator has a red dot, the similar part was 100% similar, but has been modified since the last similarity calculation. |
Commands in the analyze tree
Right-click somewhere in the analyze tree to use the following commands:
• Expand—Expands the analyze tree either completely or up to the specified level.
• > —Updates the analyze tree when a new part is created.
• > —Updates similarity calculations for parts that have been modified since the last similarity search.
• > —Performs a background database search if ModelSearch is installed.
• > —Performs a similarity search in the database for modified parts if ModelSearch is installed.
• Replace—Automatically replaces parts in an assembly either with identical parts from the assembly, or with identical parts from the database (if ModelSearch is installed), or both depending on the variation of the command. The Replace dialog box opens. Creo Elements/Direct Part Library replaces parts top-down in the analyze tree. If geometrically-identical parts cannot be put in the identical position, you must manually replace them.
• View—Enables you to view either the analyze tree, or a detailed view of the parts, or both depending on the variation of the command.
Commands for parts in the analyze tree
Select a part in the analyze tree and right-click to use the following commands:
• New Database Search—Starts a new search for similar parts in the database if ModelSearch is installed.
• Multiple Compare—Compares parts with similar parts in the assembly or database (if ModelSearch is installed), or both depending on the variation of the command.
• Load Similar From Database—Loads all similar parts from the database if ModelSearch is installed.
Commands for similar parts in the analyze tree
Select a similar part in the analyze tree and right-click to use the following commands:
• Compare—Compares the part with the similar part.
• Replace—Replaces the part with the similar part if the similarity is 100%.
• Replace All Shared—Replaces the part and all shared parts in the assembly with the similar part if the similarity is 100%.