Create a gusset
You can create a Gusset on a model following the template shown below:
The dimensions in the graphic are defined as follows:
Variable | Description |
a | Gusset thickness |
c | Gusset width |
d | Gusset height |
e | Gusset blend radius |
t | Reference wall thickness |
To create a gusset on a part,
1. Click
Mold Feature and then, in the
Plastic Feature group, click
Create. The
Plastic Feature Browser opens.
2. Double-click Gusset in the browser. The Gusset dialog box appears.
3. If necessary, select from the Calc Rule list the calculation rule (the group of formulae) used to determine the variables during the calculation of the gusset.
4. Click two different reference faces to locate the gusset (Ref Face 1 and Ref Face 2).
5. Click a positioning point for the gusset on the first reference face.
6. A direction for the gusset is assumed by the Advisor; to change this, click Direction and specify a different direction using the Direction 3D tool.
7. Enter the thickness of the reference wall in the RefW.Thick(t) data entry field.
8. To change any of the default parameters (determined by the selected calculation rule):
a. Click Expand on to display the default Gusset Data in the menu.
b. Enter new values as required. Use the graphic as a guide.
9. Click
to complete the operation and create the gusset.
If any of the parameters you enter breaks a rule, the Advisor issues a warning informing you of the allowable values for the parameter. Click Continue in the Warning box to ignore the warning and accept the value as entered.
While entering parameters, you can always return to the Advisor-determined default values by clicking Default on in the menu. The default values replace all values you have entered.
When Default is on, but you change one of the default parameters, the Default switch is automatically turned off. This tells the system that you are specifying your own defined values from that point on. Therefore, if you subsequently change the RefW.Thick(t) or Calc Rule values, the parameters do not change according to the defaults until the Default option is switched on again.