Part temperature expansion
Use FE Analysis's part expansion feature when you want to see how a part expands/contracts when taken through a temperature change. Here you specify a reference (or operating) temperature and then specify the temperature of the model.
The analysis type is Linear Static and the material must have a value for the material's thermal expansion coefficient in the material database.
To check part temperature expansion,
1. Click FEA and then, in the Mechanical LBC group, click Part Temp. The Part Temp dialog box opens.
2. If necessary, give the study a name.
When no name has been earlier provided, you can click Study and enter a new one in the highlighted field.
3. Click Name. Creo Elements/Direct Finite Element Analysis suggests a name for the current part temperature in the Name box. You can accept the proposed name or type a new one in the highlighted field.
4. Click Part and specify the part.
5. Click Ref Temp and enter a value for the reference temperature.
6. Click Model Temp and enter a value for the model temperatures.
7. Click
to apply the temperature loading.