Pressure loads
A pressure load is a specific type of static load on a face. It is similar to a static load on a face but unlike a basic static load on a face which can be set at an oblique or acute angle to the surface, the direction for a pressure load is always perpendicular to the face.
The Pressure section of the Loads dialog box allows you to define a pressure load on a face of your design model.
Applying a Pressure load is similar to applying basic static loads as explained above. When you click Face in the Pressure section of the dialog box, a menu is displayed in which you can enter the variables for the location and type of pressure load to be applied.
To place a pressure load on a face,
1. Click FEA and then, in the Mechanical LBC group, click Loads. The Loads dialog box opens.
2. Click Face in the Pressure section of the dialog box. The Pressure dialog box opens.
3. If necessary, give the study a name.
When no name has been earlier provided, Creo Elements/Direct Finite Element Analysis suggests a name when you click Study in the Pressure dialog box. You can accept the proposed name or type a new one in the highlighted field.
4. Click Name. Creo Elements/Direct Finite Element Analysis displays a suggested name for the current face pressure in the Name box. You can accept the proposed name or type a new one in the highlighted field.
5. Using the mouse, click at the face on your design model where you want to apply the pressure.
While in Select mode you can use the viewport controls to adjust the display and optimize the view of the desired part. To select multiple faces, click Ref. Faces and use the Select tool to select multiple faces. You can also hold the Shift key while you click faces in the viewport to select multiple faces.
Creo Elements/Direct Finite Element Analysis displays the word "defined" in the Ref Face box when you have made your selection.
6. Set a value for the pressure load using either the Value box or the Total Value box in the Pressure dialog box.
The Value box is used to set a specific pressure load per unit area on the selected face.
The Total Value box is used to set a specific cumulative pressure load over the entire area of the face. When validated, the total value will be translated into a value per unit area which is then displayed in the Value field.
7. Click
to validate your choices and apply the pressure load.
To modify a pressure load,
1. Click Modify and then, in the LBC group, click Modify.
2. Click the symbol for the pressure load on your design model that you want to modify. (You can also use the Structure Browser for this task.)
While in Select mode you can use the viewport controls to adjust the display and optimize the view of the design.
Once selected the Modify Pressure dialog box is displayed.
3. Make any desired changes to the parameters in the displayed fields.
4. Click
to validate your modifications and reapply the pressure load with the revised parameters.