Work with the wire and cable librarians
You can use the Cable and Wire Librarians to browse the cable and wire databases, and add new cables and wires. Cables and wires are defined in the following files:
C:\User Profiles\%username%\Application Data\PTC\Creo Elements Direct Modeling [version]\[version]\CABLE_DIR is a typical path to these files.
You can also add cables and wires by manually editing the files mentioned above. To learn more, explore Creo Elements/Direct Cabling Tutorial 3: Create your own cable.
You can add custom attributes to your cables and wires by editing cable_userattributes.txt and wire_userattributes.txt, both of which are located in the directory mentioned above.
To add a cable or wire using the librarian,
1. Click Interface and then, in the Library group, click the arrow next to Wire.
2. Click Cable library or Wire library.
3. Click the Add Wire or Add Cable tab.
4. Specify the cable's or wire's attributes.
5. Click OK to complete the operation.
The cables or wires that are added with Creo Elements/Direct Cabling 17.0 or above are internally stored only in mm irrespective of your chosen units for the current session. When these cables or wires are loaded in Creo Elements/Direct Cabling from the library, they are loaded with your chosen units. If a cable or wire has been stored in an earlier Creo Elements/Direct Cabling version in units other than mm, you must convert its units to mm
To edit an existing cable or wire,
You must clear the Read-only attributes in the files' Properties windows before editing. Instead, we recommend that you create your own copies of the cable and wire definition files, and edit those. Non-Read-only files in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling's installation directory may cause problems when you upgrade.
1. Click Interface and then, in the Library group, click the arrow next to Wire.
2. Click Cable library or Wire library.
3. Click the Library Content tab.
4. Specify the cable's or wire's attributes.
5. Click Edit OK.
In sc_tables_layout.lsp, you can customize the look of the librarians' dialog boxes using LISP.
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