Creo Elements Direct Modeling Help > Reference Topics > Move objects in a viewport with the dialog
Move objects in a viewport with the dialog
You will usually find it easier to move objects using the mouse or keyboard, but this dialog is available if you need another method for moving objects.
To move objects using the dialog,
1. Click File > Customize. The Customize dialog box opens.
2. On the Toolbars tab, click View to display the View toolbar just below the ribbon.
3. On the Commands tab, in View (Groups pane), click Dynamic.
4. Drag Dynamic to the View toolbar.
5. Click on the View toolbar.
6. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling displays a Knobs dialog box which has:
Pictures of the pan, zoom and rotate actions for each of the knobs.
A row of numbers which correspond to each of the knobs.
A horizontal sliding bar.
7. To manipulate the contents of the viewport, click the number which corresponds to the correct knob. Then slide the bar horizontally with the mouse to position the part.
8. You now have two choices:
To reset the view back to its original orientation, click Cancel.
To keep the view as you see it, click OK.
If you don't have a Knobs, you can still use the Knobs dialog box by clicking the corresponding knob button and specifying the necessary information (angle, distance, and so on).
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