To determine the clearance distance between two parts
1. Click
Analysis and then, in the
Verify group, click the arrow next to
2. Click
Clearance. The
Clearance dialog box opens.
3. Click List vs. List.
4. Click 1st Parts and identify the first part.
5. Click 2nd Parts and identify the second part.
6. Click Calculate.
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling displays and output window stating the separation distance of the parts together with a wire part showing the shortest distance between the parts. This wire part can be seen in the Structure Browser as /clearance/p1_p2 for the example given.
To close the output window, click Close. To close the temporary viewport, click OK.
If you are only interested in clearances that fall within a specific distance, enter this value in the Clrnce Dist data entry field. Use:
• List vs. List - To specify two lists of parts or assemblies. All elements of list one are checked against all elements of list two. This includes the simple case of just checking two parts.
• All in List - To specify a set of parts. All elements in the list are checked against each other.
If you do a clearance of assembly1 against assembly2, you get the shortest distance over all pairs in assembly1 and assembly2. To get the shortest distance between all parts in assembly1 and assembly2 you must select the parts via all parts in assembly1 and all parts in assembly2.