Creo Elements Direct Modeling Help > Reference Topics > Recognize a blend or a chamfer
Recognize a blend or a chamfer
Recognize blends and chamfers on imported models and work with them like blends and chamfers that are natively created in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. When blends and chamfers are recognized, you can,
Change or remove the blends and chamfers using Modify Blend and Modify Chamfer, or Remove Blend and Remove Chamfer, respectively.
Automatically suppress or recreate blends or chamfers when you use other modeling commands.
To recognize blends or chamfers,
1. Click Modeling and then, in the Engineering group,
Click the arrow next to Blend or,
Click the arrow next to Chamfer.
2. Click Recognize or Recognize. The Recognize dialog box opens and Blends or Chamfers is automatically selected in the Type box.
3. Select the faces on which the blends or chamfers must be recognized:
Click Part and specify a part. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling will consider all faces on the specified part, or
Click Faces and select a face (or press Shift to select multiple faces).
4. Click Labels to:
Display the radius of each recognized blend in the Preview mode, or
Display the chamfer specifications (distance, distances D1 and D2, or distance and angle).
5. Click one of the following:
Max Radius (for blends only) to set the maximal radius for a blend to be automatically recognized.
Max Dist (for chamfers only) to set the maximal distance for a chamfer to be automatically recognized.
6. In the Pre Clear list,
Click None to retain all recognized blends or chamfers.
Click Recognized to clear already recognized blends or chamfers.
7. Click Preview highlight the recognized blends or chamfers. Constant radius blends are shown in light green; vertex regions ("suitcase corners") are shown in dark green. You can also click Labels to display the radii of each recognized blend in Preview mode.
8. Click the Exclude button and select the recognized blend or chamfer faces in the viewport to remove the recognition of the selected blend or chamfer faces.
Exclude is active only if you select parts and preview the recognized faces on the selected parts.
9. Click to complete the operation.
Recognize does not interpret generic Creo Elements/Direct Modeling blends (created with the Blend Create command). It may be easier to distinguish generic and recognized blends by first setting the color of existing blends:
1. Select the blends in the viewport and click Face Properties on the Command Mini Toolbar (CMT). The Face Properties dialog box opens.
2. In the Color list, click More Colors. The Color Selector dialog box opens.
3. Click a color in the Color Selector. You should not choose green, because that is the color used to highlight recognized blends when you preview.
All generic blends are then shown in the specified color.
Radial values computed by Blend Recognize for freeform recognized blends are approximate. For imported parts, Creo Elements/Direct Modeling cannot always reproduce the original value of the radius.
Recognize (Chamfers) does not test the chamfer to make sure it is suitable for modification. For example, it does not test if a chamfer can be suppressed and recreated. Therefore, this command should be used with caution and only on simple and clear geometric configurations. Unfavorable recognized chamfers in complex situations can cause modeling operations to fail, because the operations often try to suppress and recreate the chamfers automatically.
Although Recognize (Chamfers) is designed to tolerantly detect chamfers, it is not able to detect incomplete, damaged, or very complex chamfers. You may have problems if
A base face which was originally used to create the chamfer is not connected directly to the chamfer face. This can happen if a chamfer boundary has been blended.
A boundary edge chain of a single chamfer face when the geometry of the adjacent faces is not identical.
A boundary edge chain is not connected on one side (gaps).
The surfaces of the adjacent faces do not intersect to regenerate the geometry of the chamfered edge.
If dist/dist or dist/angle types are possible, the type is set to dist/dist.
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