Recognize a blend
1. Click
Modeling and then, in the
Engineering group, click the arrow next to
2. Click
Recognize. The
Recognize Blend dialog box opens.
3. Select the smooth faces to recognize as blends:
◦ Click Faces and click a face (or use the Shift key to specify multiple faces).
◦ Click Part and specify a part. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling will consider all smooth faces on the specified part.
4. Click MaxRadius to set a maximal radius for a blend to be automatically recognized.
5. In the PreClear list,
◦ Click None to retain all recognized blends.
◦ Click Recognized to clear already recognized blends.
6. Click Preview to show the recognized blends highlighted. Constant radius blends are shown in light green; vertex regions ("suitcase corners") are shown in dark green. You can also click Labels to display the radii of each recognized blend in Preview mode.
7. Click
to complete the operation and close the dialog.
Recognize does not interpret generic Creo Elements/Direct Modeling blends (created with the Blend Create command). It may be easier to distinguish generic and recognized blends by first setting the color of existing blends:
1. Select the blends in the viewport and click
Face Properties on the Command Mini Toolbar (CMT). The
Face Properties dialog box opens.
2. In the Color list, click More Colors. The Color Selector dialog box opens.
3. Click a color in the Color Selector. You should not choose green, because that is the color used to highlight recognized blends when you preview.
All generic blends are then shown in the specified color.
Radial values computed by Blend Recognize for freeform recognized blends are approximate. For imported parts, Creo Elements/Direct Modeling cannot always reproduce the original value of the radius.