Delete fonts
If you no longer require a particular font, you can delete it from the system's memory.
Removing a font from Creo Elements/Direct Annotation simply de-registers it from the system; it does not delete the font file from your computer.
To delete a font,
1. Click Annotation and then, in the Annotate group, click More.
2. Click Delete Font in the Text section.
The Delete Font dialog box and Annotation Fonts table appear.
3. Select the unwanted font either from the Font cascade button or from the table (double-click a row in the table).
4. Click to complete the operation.
Text that includes a deleted font displays boxes where the deleted font was used. You need to re-load (or change) the font to replace the boxes with text. In addition, fonts used in the drawing but currently deleted are marked as NOT LOADED in the Annotation Fonts table.
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