Edit chained dimensions
Individual dimensions within a chained dimension group can be removed, and further dimensions, including existing single dimensions, can be inserted into the chain. The following dimension types can be edited:
Sym Long
Datum Long
Datum Short
Note, however, that you cannot insert a single dimension into a Chain type dimension.
In this section:
To insert dimensions into chains
a. Click Annotation and then, in the Annotate group, click More.
b. Click Put Dim In in the Group section. The Put in Dim dialog box opens.
c. Select the dimension group to edit.
d. Insert a dimension in one of the following ways:
Click the reference point for the new dimension.
If the point is valid and not already a dimension, Creo Elements/Direct Annotation inserts the dimension into the chain. For Chain type dimensions, the other dimensions may be adjusted automatically.
Select a single dimension to insert into the chain.
When inserting into (non-Chain type) dimension chains, the selected single dimension must have a common base point (zero point) with the chain.
e. Continue inserting dimensions, specify a new group to edit, or click to complete the operation.
To remove dimensions from chains
a. Click Annotation and then, in the Annotate group, click More.
b. Click Take Dim Out in the Group section.
c. Select an individual dimension to remove from its chain.
For Sym Long, Datum Long, Datum Short, and Coordinates chains, Creo Elements/Direct Annotation removes the dimension.
d. For Chain type dimensions, select the neighboring dimension to absorb the removed quantity.
Creo Elements/Direct Annotation adds the removed value to the neighboring dimension.
e. Continue removing dimensions, or click to complete the operation.
You can remove individual dimension references from chained dimensions. The remaining dimensions of a group may be rearranged automatically on the sheet. However, except for Chain dimensions, the dimension values themselves are not affected.
Removing references from Sym Long, Datum Long, Datum Short, and Coordinates types of dimensions is done simply by clicking the unwanted dimension. The datum reference of the group is not changed, and therefore the other dimensions retain their original values.
In Chain type dimensions, after selecting an individual dimension to remove from a chain, you must indicate which of that dimension's two datums is to be removed. The removed dimension quantity is added to the neighboring dimension on the side of the removed reference point. (When the dimension at the end of a chain is removed, the next-to-last dimension grows automatically.)
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