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Inquiring Data

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This chapters talks about the functionality to inquire all kind of information from Creo Elements/Direct Modeling. It talks about the various areas of inquiries, about data types and functions.

Data Types

Using the inquiry functions as described in the following pages, the programmer will get back all kind of different information from the system.

In general, the information is presented to the programmer as result of a Lisp function.

Different Lisp data types represent the different items.


In Creo Elements/Direct Modeling objects name parts, assemblies, workplanes, workplane sets, layouts and layout views.

The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit offers functionality to inquire objects and object trees. It also offers functionality to inquire their properties (shared, modified, read-only) and filing status (DB_DESCRIPTION_FILE)

* Tutorial Example * Reference Manual


The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit allows the programmer to use the full power of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling's selector programmatically.

The tool for doing so is the "GET_SELECTION" interrupt action routine. It accepts all selector options and returns a list of the selected items.

The following example returns all edges around a face

(sd-call-cmds (GET_SELECTION :select :edge_3d :by_face a-face))

The "GET_SELECTION" command also accepts initial focus types as well as a check-function, that performs additional checks on selected items

The following example selects all red faces in a the current part

  (GET_SELECTION :focus-type *sd-face-seltype*
                 :check-function is-red-face
                 :select :all_3d))

* Reference Manual


Inquiry functions are provide to access workplane information like workplane properties, workplane positioning and defaults.

* Reference Manual


The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit provides various functions to inquire the geometrical shape of Creo Elements/Direct Modeling entities

Functions include generic functions (all faces have a bounding box) and specific ones (specific for e.g. a planar face).

The geometrical inquiry functions do not distinguish between 2D geometry in workplanes or 3D geometry. The same functions return e.g the geometrical properties of 2D and 3D edges.

Coordinate values returned depend on the destination space specified. It can be global, local (relative to the owning part or workplane) or relative to a specific item.

* Reference Manual

Features and Named Elements

All necessary functions are provided to work with Features and Named Elements. They can be selected, inquired, set.

* Tutorial Example * Reference Manual


The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit allows to inquire and set all viewport related information.

This includes camera (how do I look into a viewport?), lights, show settings and drawlist information for all available viewports.

* Tutorial Example * Reference Manual


The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit provides functionality to find out information about layouts. This is information about defaults and about specific layouts.

* Reference Manual

Coordinate Systems

The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit provides functionality to inquire data of specific coordinate systems and their elements and about default settings.

* Reference Manual


The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit provides functionality to inquire data of configurations. Furthermore there is a way to programmatically create configurations.


The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Integration Kit provides functionality to inquire data of patterns and their elements.

* Reference Manual

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