Extended modules > Mold Design > General molding tools > Calculate contact faces
Calculate contact faces
You can use Contact Faces to analyze the contact of form models and to calculate the contact faces between parts.
The options are:
All in List: to calculate all parts in a list against each other.
List vs. List: to calculate all parts of one list against all parts of a second list.
The calculation is based on the resolution of the parts. If the part resolution differs, the calculation is done in the lower resolution, i.e. the resolution of the more "inaccurate" part.
The result is visualized in a second viewport and written to an output window.
When parts with contact faces clash, only the clash is indicated.
To calculate contact faces,
1. Click Mold Base and then, in the Analysis group, click Contact Faces. The Contact Faces dialog box opens.
2. Choose List vs. List (default) or All in List.
3. Select the parts to calculate.
4. Click Analyze to keep the menu open for further calculations, or OK to close the menu.