Extended modules > Animation (Creo Elements/Direct Advanced Design) > Solve a relation set in an animation
Solve a relation set in an animation
You can use assembly relations to constrain parts during the animation. However, the movement from the objects' current locations to the locations required by the relation set is not interpolated. The objects will move immediately, and may appear to jump to a new location when the relation set is solved. For more information, please read Solve a relation set in an animation.
You can only solve one relation set at a time, but you may solve more than one relation set within the animation. When you activate a new relation set, any previously solved sets are no longer active. So, parts or assemblies are only constrained by one relation set at any given time. For more information on relations, please read Relations overview.
You can also use three special relation types to simulate movement: Cam, Gear, and Rack. Please read Relation types: Joint relations for more information.
To solve a relation set in an animation,
1. Advance to the location where you want the new position inserted using the Navigate controls.
2. Select the Rset check box in the Relations / Physical section.
3. Select a relation set to solve in the Structure Browser.
4. Click to save your changes.
To stop solving a relation set, advance to the location where you want to stop and clear the Rset check box.