Reference Topics > What’s New in Creo Elements/Direct Annotation
What’s New in Creo Elements/Direct Annotation
Smooth Window Update in Annotation
There is a new option to control the updates in the graphics window. Smooth Window Update provides more visual guidance when zooming into a selected area or when defining the window view.
User Interface Location: Click File > Settings > Viewport > Redraw > Smooth Window Update.
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
When using window operations to change zooming into drawing areas, it is often difficult to visually control the window content. Smooth Window Update provides additional visual guidance.
You can activate or deactivate Smooth Window Update and set the view update ranging from 0 to 3000 milliseconds.
Additional Information
For larger drawings, if redraw takes longer than the time specified in Smooth Window Update, then Smooth Window Update has no impact.
No known limitations
Does this replace existing functionality?
No. This is new functionality.
New Search Tool in Annotation
Use the new search tool to find text or dimensions in a drawing.
User Interface Location:
Click View and then in the Search group, click Text.
Click View and then in the Search group, click Dimension.
Watch a video that demonstrates this enhancement:
Use the following URL in your browser, if the video is not correctly visible.
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
Searching for text or for a dimension can be time consuming. The new search tool makes it easy to select text or a dimension value on which to search. It then guides you to the location by zooming into the object.
Search Text dialog box
Search Dimension dialog box
Select Scope on these dialog boxes to narrow the focus to a user-defined drawing sheet or view before starting the search. When you are searching for dimensions, you can further refine the search criteria by dimension type, where to search, and the dimension value. If Smooth Window Update is selected, the location of the dimension is smoothly zoomed into.
Additional Information
If you are using the same search criteria a second time, you can use the index to continue a search at the point where the first search stopped.
No known limitations
Does this replace existing functionality?
No, this is a new functionality.
Copy Sheet in Annotation
The Copy Sheet tool provides a fast way to copy an existing drawing sheet for additional modification.
User Interface Location: In the Setup group, click More > Copy Sheet.
Watch a video that demonstrates this enhancement:
Use the following URL in your browser, if the video is not correctly visible.
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
Use Copy Sheet to create a copy of a source sheet that you select. After selecting the source sheet, a new drawing sheet is created automatically with all views. The source sheet and the copy are independent, therefore, modification to one does not result in modification to the other. Views referencing 3D model content are automatically updated. You can create drawings faster using existing drawing sheets.
A drawing sheet, copied and modified
Additional Information
No known limitations
Does this replace existing functionality?
No. This is new functionality in Annotation.
Copy View in Annotation
The Copy View tool provides a fast way to copy any view in and existing drawing sheet to another drawing sheet.
User Interface Location:
In the Setup group click More > View > Copy.
Select the source view in the drawing or from the drawing browser and in the mini toolbar, click Copy View.
Watch a video that demonstrates this enhancement:
Use the following URL in your browser, if the video is not correctly visible.
What is the benefit of this enhancement?
You can easily copy a view in a drawing sheet to another existing drawing sheet and modify all content of the selected view. After selecting a view and the target drawing sheet, all content of the view is copied to the target drawing sheet, including the view position. The view in the source drawing sheet and in the copy are independent, therefore, modification to one does not result in modification to the other. The copied views are automatically updated with the 3D reference. You can modify the copied view independent of the original view. You can create drawings faster when you are using existing views from another drawing sheet.
Additional Information
A drawing view, copied and modified
You cannot copy a view to the same drawing sheet
No known limitations
Does this replace existing functionality?
No, this is new functionality.