Organize parts and assemblies > Change the owner of parts and assemblies
Change the owner of parts and assemblies
You move a part or assembly within the assembly structure by changing its owner.
1. Click Structure and then, in the Part & Assembly group, click More.
2. Click Owner in the Modify section. The Modify Owner dialog box opens.
3. Click New Owner and select an assembly:
Double-click the assembly in the Structure Browser or
Type an assembly name.
4. Click Parts / Assys.
5. Select a part or assembly to change:
Double-click the part or assembly in the Structure Browser or
Click a part in the viewport or
Type a part or assembly name.
6. Click to complete the operation.
If you move a part or an assembly located outside an inseparable assembly to the inseparable assembly, the moved part or assembly is also marked as inseparable.
If you move a part or an assembly located in an inseparable assembly outside the inseparable assembly, the moved part or assembly is no longer marked as inseparable. For more information, see the Rules for inseparable objects.