Create and modify 3D models > Make a 3D model > Examples > Example: Shelling two faces on a part
Example: Shelling two faces on a part
In this example, you will shell two adjacent faces with a wall thickness of 1 mm. Shown below are the initial part and the resulting part after the shelling operation.
1. Create the part as shown on the left (use Punch to punch out the holes).
2. Click Modeling and then, in the Model group, click Shell. The Shell dialog box opens.
3. Enter 1 in the Offset field.
4. Click OpenFace.
5. Click Select to display the Select menu.
6. Click Start and click on faces 1 and 2.
7. Click End.
8. Click .
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling removes material from the specified faces. Any internal machining is also given a wall thickness of 1 mm.