Modeling with advanced techniques > Freeform parts > Lofting > Loft between parts or a part and workplane set
Loft between parts or a part and workplane set
After you have specified all necessary Loft Tools, like match lines for the profiles in the workplane set, you start the Loft to Part option. The Loft to Part option box changes depending on the loft type you choose.
To loft between one part and a workplane set,
1. Click Modeling and then, in the Model group, click More.
2. Click To Part in Basic Loft section. The Loft to Part and Select dialog boxes open.
3. Specify the part to create or add material to by clicking Part and specifying the part using one of the following ways:
Click the part from the Browser and click Apply.
Click the part.
Enter the name of the new part.
4. Click the option button next to Type and choose Part/Set if not already set. Part/Set allows you to loft between a part and a workplane set.
5. Click Edges. The Select container opens and allows you to select the edges for this loft.
Select the edges which define the face where the loft will touch the part. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling highlights the face or faces surrounded by the selected edges.
Click Side on or off to toggle the highlighted face set. The loft will meet the part at the highlighted faces.
6. Click the option button next to Tangents and choose either No Tang, To Faces, or User Def.
No Tang to loft without a tangent condition.
To Faces to loft with a tangent condition for the neighbor faces.
User Def to loft with a user defined tangent condition.
For details on tangent conditions see Adding tangency conditions
7. Click WP Set and specify the workplane set containing the workplanes, profiles, and profile matchlines for the loft.
8. Click Complete ML and add the matchline between workplane set and part.
9. To remove a misplaced part matchline click Remove ML. You cannot rotate or tweak a part matchline.
10. To preview the loft, click Preview.
11. To loft with variable tangent weights click AutoWeight on.
12. If necessary, adjust the Keep Set option.
13. Make sure Check Part is on.
14. Click to complete the operation.
Each profile and face in the loft needs at least one vertex to attach a matchline to. All profiles and faces in the loft must have the same number of vertices. If you need to create a vertex on a profile, use Split in Modify 2D. If you need to create a vertex on an edge (face), use Split Edge in Loft Tools.
To loft between two parts and a workplane set,
1. Click Modeling and then, in the Model group, click More.
2. Click To Part in Basic Loft section. The Loft to Part and Select dialog boxes open.
3. Specify the part to create or add material to by clicking Part and specifying the part using one of the following ways:
Click the part from the Browser and click Apply.
Click the part.
Enter the name of the new part.
4. Click the option button next to Type and choose Pa/Set/Pa if not already set. Pa/Set/Pa allows you to loft between two parts and a workplane set between them.
5. Click Edges1. The Select container opens and allows you to select the first set of part edges for this loft.
Select the edges which define the face where the loft will touch the first part. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling highlights the face or faces surrounded by the selected edges.
Click Side1 on or off to toggle the highlighted face set. The loft will meet the part at the highlighted faces.
6. Click the option button next to Tangents1 and choose either No Tang, To Faces, or User Def.
No Tang to loft without a tangent condition.
To Faces to loft with a tangent condition for the neighbor faces.
User Def to loft with a user defined tangent condition.
For details on tangent conditions see Adding tangency conditions
7. Click Edges2. The Select container opens and allows you to select the second set of part edges for this loft. Proceed as for the first set of edges.
8. Click Side2 on or off to toggle the highlighted face set.
9. Click the option button next to Tangents2 and choose one of the options as for the first set of edges.
10. Click WP Set and specify the workplane set containing the workplanes, profiles, and profile matchlines for the loft.
11. Click Complete ML and add the matchlines between the workplane set and the parts.
12. To remove a misplaced part matchline click Remove ML. You cannot rotate or tweak a part matchline.
13. To preview the loft, click Preview.
14. To loft with variable tangent weights click AutoWeight on.
15. If necessary, adjust the Keep Set option.
16. Make sure Check Part is on.
17. Click to complete the operation.
Each profile and face in the loft needs at least one vertex to attach a matchline to. All profiles and faces in the loft must have the same number of vertices. If you need to create a vertex on a profile, use Split in Modify 2D. If you need to create a vertex on an edge (face), use Split Edge in Loft Tools.
To loft from part to part,
1. Click Modeling and then, in the Model group, click More.
2. Click To Part in Basic Loft section. The Loft to Part and Select dialog boxes open.
3. Select the Part to create or add material to.
4. Click the option button next to Type and choose Part/Part if not already set. Part/Part allows you to loft between two parts.
5. Click Edges1. The Select container opens and allows you to select the first set of part edges for this loft.
Select the edges which define the face where the loft will touch the first part. Creo Elements/Direct Modeling highlights the face or faces surrounded by the selected edges.
Click Side1 on or off to toggle the highlighted face set. The loft will meet the part at the highlighted faces.
6. Click the option button next to Tangents1 and choose either No Tang, To Faces, or User Def.
No Tang to loft without a tangent condition.
To Faces to loft with a tangent condition for the neighbor faces.
User Def to loft with a user defined tangent condition.
For details on tangent conditions see Adding tangency conditions
7. Click Edges2. The Select container opens and allows you to select the second set of part edges for this loft. Proceed as for the first set of edges.
8. Click Side2 on or off to toggle the highlighted face set.
9. Click the option button next to Tangents2 and choose one of the options as for the first set of edges.
10. Click Complete ML and add the matchlines between the parts.
11. To remove a misplaced part matchline click Remove ML. You cannot rotate or tweak a part matchline.
12. To preview the loft, click Preview.
13. To loft with variable tangent weights click AutoWeight on.
14. If necessary, adjust the Keep Set option.
15. Make sure Check Part is on.
16. Click to complete the operation.
Each face in the loft needs at least one vertex to attach a matchline to. All faces in the loft must have the same number of vertices. If you need to create a vertex on an edge (face), use Split Edge in Loft Tools.
The following list describes each of the fields:
Part - Specifies the name for the part to be created or the part to which material will be added. You can use the browser (Browser) to specify the part. The default is the active part. To add material to an existing part, click Part and specify the part. Be sure to enter the name of the part in the data entry field beginning with a slash (/) or other path name.
Type - Part/Set is the type option to loft between one part and a workplane set.
Edges - Opens the Select container to allow the selection of edges.
Side - Click on or off to toggle between the two face sets belonging to the selected edges.
Tangents - Choose one of the following options:
No Tang to loft without a tangent condition.
To Faces to loft with a tangent condition for the neighbor faces.
User Def to loft with a user defined tangent condition.
WP Set - Specifies the workplane set. You can use the browser (Browser) to specify the workplane set.
Complete ML - Prompts you to complete the matchlines between the specified part and the workplane set. The matchlines within the workplane set must be set before you click Loft to Part.
Remove ML - Allows to remove matchlines which were set with the Complete ML function.
Preview - Allows you to preview the resulting loft.
Smooth - Generates a smooth loft surface by removing edges between adjacent faces which are connected by a smooth tangential transition.
AutoWeight - Calculates a varying tangent weight and tries to optimize the shape automatically. This option becomes active when you specify a tangent condition.
Keep Set - Specifies whether or not to keep the workplane set, profiles and matchlines after the loft operation. The default is to keep them.
Check Part - Automatically checks part for corruptness during the creation of a loft. (WARNING: Although you can create lofts quicker by clicking Check Part off, you might also create a corrupt part without knowing it. We recommend you keep the Check Part option on, because the part checker will later not be able to detect that the part is corrupt.)