Create drawings from models (Creo Elements/Direct Annotation) > Turn 3D models into 2D drawings > Update a view > Transfer coordinate systems
Transfer coordinate systems
Coordinate systems are passed from Creo Elements/Direct Modeling to Creo Elements/Direct Annotation. Coordinate systems are visible in a standard or general view if the origin of the coordinate system is visible.
The visibility of coordinate systems in non-standard views is defined as follows:
Detail: visible if inside the detail border
Partial: visible if inside the partial view border
Cutaway: visible if outside the cutaway tool body
Section: visible if inside the section tool body
Aligned section: only visible in the first piece of the aligned section view, if inside the section tool body
Coordinate systems appear as axis lines with the label, color, and length created in 3D.
Creo Elements/Direct Annotation handles coordinate systems almost the same way it handles parts. The coordinate systems and the parts differ only in the auxiliary viewport display. To add or remove coordinate systems from a view, see Manage Parts.
To check whether your view has a hidden coordinate system,
1. Click Annotation and then, in the Setup group, click Info.
2. The status line prompts, "Specify view to display contents”. Select a view.
3. The View Contents table appears. Yes appears under the Coord Sys heading if a part or assembly owns a coordinate system.