Create drawings from models (Creo Elements/Direct Annotation) > Advanced topics > Customization for advanced users > Sheet Frame functions
Sheet Frame functions
The DOCU-REGISTER-FRAME function is used to create customized frame types. Creo Elements/Direct Annotation provides predefined frame types (such as A0 to A4), but you can create more in Creo Elements/Direct Annotation and register them with DOCU-REGISTER-FRAME in the am_customize file or in a separate file. To load a file into Creo Elements/Direct Annotation, enter (load "path / filename") in the user input line, where path / filename is the file and its path containing valid DOCU-REGISTER-FRAME functions.
You can also enter a DOCU-REGISTER-FRAME function in the user input line. Be sure to use unique names for new customized frames; if you register a frame with an already existing name, the old frame will be automatically de-registered.
The DOCU-REGISTER-FRAME function, its options, and related functions are listed below. See the individual links for information about them. An Example is given below.
(DOCU-REGISTER-FRAME --+--> UI-NAME option---->+--->
                       |                  ^
                       |--> FILE option------->|
                       |                  |
                       |--> WM-NAME option---->|
                       |                  |
                       `--> DEFAULT option----->'
UI-NAME option
:UI-NAME determines the name of the frame as displayed in Creo Elements/Direct Annotation. You can enter any string, enclosing it within double quotes.
FILE option
:FILE specifies the name of the file containing the frame required. You can specify any valid MI file, giving either the full path and filename or a path relative to Creo Elements/Direct Modeling's search path, enclosed within double quotes.
WM-NAME option
:WM-NAME determines the name of the frame to be used in the WorkManager database. You can enter any string, enclosing it within double quotes.
-->(:WM-NAME)----->|"WorkManager name"|------->
DEFAULT option
:DEFAULT determines the way how / whether the new registered frame should be used as default frame type inside Creo Elements/Direct Annotation.
                  |                      |
                  |                     |
:T the frame will be offered as default for the first sheet created
:everytime the frame will be offered as default where ever a new frame can be selected
:NIL the default frame will be the last frame used in the user interface (behavior until CoCreate Drafting 11.60)
The DOCU-UNREGISTER-FRAME-ALL function de-registers all previously defined frames. In the am_customize file (or in a separate file) use this function before instances of DOCU-REGISTER-FRAME if you do not want the default frames to be available.
The DOCU-UNREGISTER-FRAME function de-registers a specified previously-defined frame. You can enter any existing frame name, enclosing it within double quotes.
The DOCU-REGISTER-MIGR-FRAME-STANDARD-SIZES function registers all standard frame sizes for recognition during migration. Use this function before migrating old CoCreate Modeling-ADU files into Creo Elements/Direct Annotation. If a frame is found with a standard size (A4 to A0, A to E), it is recognized and will remain a frame in the migrated drawing. Add this function to the am_customize file to activate frame recognition automatically in Creo Elements/Direct Annotation.
The following is an example of a customized frame registration:
(docu-unregister-frame-all) (docu-register-frame :ui-name "Company-A0" :file "/tmp/Company-A0")